Difficult friends by definition are those who irritates you, they annoy you of their ways, their ideas, their lifestyle and almost anything. Basically, they live a life almost totally different of how you want to live your life with. Now out of the billion people living in this planet, why the heck did u bump on this awful friend of yours. One reason: he is your "Piece of Mind that leads you to your Peace of Mind". He mirrors the things you hate, he is the exact replica of the creature you don't want to see in this planet. It's the exact opposite... and so do you to him, thus the force pull you together, opposite poles connect, like magnet! Whether you like it or not, the attraction is so strong, and you cannot get away from it. So before you loose your temper and commit sin, here are some tips on how can we live and stay with the person we hate.
1. Make a decision to do so. Itemize the reason why. Be objective, jot down all thoughts, all negative (of course all of them are!) and look down at the bottom if there is one positive reason why.
2. The positive reason may turn out to be: to decide to do so out of BRAVERY.
3. Bravery to process your thoughts "Your Piece of Mind to lead You to Your Peace of Mind"
4. If you are ready to face your enemy, step forward like a diplomat & start the connection
5. Remember, he won't take the shot unless you give him the ball. Make the 1st call.
6. Don't do script, don't rehearse, it will come out insincere. Instead just make a call out of pure innocence
7. What is innocence? It's a state of mind when you don't know. Nothing, no facts, no data.
8. Make a call out of curiosity with a clear vision that you need to know. Period.
9. Call with your clear intention & motive of understanding your enemy.
10. In this process, suspend all discriminatory remarks, let the other person speak, let him throw the ball. Do not comment. Create a climate where he feel relax to say his piece of mind finally to you!
11. Listen... listen... listen
12. While listening, you may get hurt of the comments about you. Restrict yourself from answering back to allow the person to enjoy the comfortable climate of talking to you.
13. Let your mind listen and your heart held back; control your passion.
12. Continue the conversation until he loose his defenses and see you as his friend
13. If you achieve a certain level of closeness, take a break from the conversation, so you can gather strength for the next session
14. Call again and do the same pattern. It may take several meetings before you can learn to understand the person. Be patient.
15. Patience is a state of mind relaxation that you float & glide with the flow because you trust the whole process...
So if you went this far doing these, you must be serious to maintain your enemy. And this is just the 1st stage: Making a Connection. On the next note, i will post you the 2nd stage: Establishing Pure Intimacy.
Good luck! Be still, stay connected... and I'll keep you posted :-)
Your wellness guru,
"indulge, explore, learn, write & share:
experience will always be the best teacher!"