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Monday, September 12, 2011

Climate Change Update: Giant Red Crabs Take Over 'Antarctic Abyss,' Climate Change Blamed (VIDEO)

Giant Red Crabs Take Over 'Antarctic Abyss,' Climate Change Blamed (VIDEO): pls click for the video:

"The King Crabs have colonized the "Antarctic abyss" of Palmer Deep, a basin more than 4,300 feet down, off the Antarctic Peninsula, reports the New Scientist.

Led by researchers at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the findings are shown in a video filmed at the bottom of the ocean.

Treehugger notes that the rise in temperature is mainly to blame, given it was previously too cold for the crabs to live. In short, the researchers conclude the King Crab colonization of the Antarctic is linked to climate change.

According to the Independent, scientists say the number of species in areas colonized by the crabs is a quarter of that in areas that have escaped the invasion.

The invasion of the long-legged critters doesn't come as a surprise to scientists, given three years ago they predicted the King Crabs would invade within 100 years."

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Climate Change Update: Al Gore: ‘The message still has to be about the reality we’re facing’ - The Washington Post

Al Gore: ‘The message still has to be about the reality we’re facing’ - The Washington Post: "The years since Al Gore released “An Inconvenient Truth” in 2006 have not been kind to climate hawks. Cap-and-trade died in the Senate, skeptics have renewed their attacks on climate science, and the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination, Rick Perry, denies that there’s even a problem. So what has the former vice-president decided to do about it? Double down his efforts and unveil yet another high-profile presentation on the threat posed by rising temperatures, in the hopes of converting climate skeptics. This week, Gore’s Climate Reality Project will launch a 24-hour global multimedia broadcast on the link between global warming and severe weather events."

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