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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Junk food linked to bad behaviour

Junk food linked to bad behaviour: "Children who lack access to healthy foods, particularly fruit and vegetables, are twice as likely to develop behavioural problems, a Queensland study found.

A Queensland University of Technology Institute of Health study surveyed 500 households across Brisbane in 2009 and released the findings this week.

Researcher Rebecca Ramsey found one in four households goes without healthy food because of low income levels.

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She said the study asked participants about their vegetable and fruit intake.

'It is not that these households are spending their limited money on junk food. It is more that they are unable to afford a variety of fruit and vegetables and instead may be purchasing larger quantities of staples such as rice and bread,' she said."

Cure the Pain via Mind Detox: Objective Emotional Healing

“With diabetes, and other chronic illnesses such as arthritis, lung disease, hypertension, so many aspects of your life are affected. Depression and chronic illness are closely related.”

As a wellness practitioner myself, I have come to realize in my case studies that Pain has its root cause from the emotional trauma of a person that happened in the past. Most of the time, the traumatic experience was already forgotten. Due to the fact, that our brain is capable of shutting off painful memories as part of human survival.

However, the emotional trauma will later on manifest through the body. It may be shut off for a while in the memory but the body's reaction to it cannot be denied. Example, hypertension, has a root cause from the "unsettled anger" during the innocent years of the child probably caused by family feud, issues, violated rights, etc w/c the child during that time cannot understand why he/she is angry (he/she may not even know the term "angry" yet during that time) but the child feels it and the body reacts to it.

Restlessness, tantrums, clinging, too much crying, etc. are some of the manifestations. And when the child grows up, it exhibits unruly behavior or extreme dangerous inclinations. He/she may also have addictive behaviors like being workaholic, smoking, drugs, or "daredevil" decisions.

If not properly address during the child's developmental years with an educated guardian, teachers or responsible parents, the child will resort to other means to ease the hurt.

This hurts will later on progress making the child more sickly when young until it develops into chronic pain as the child gets older and become an adult. It can produce sickness like diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, etc.

One way to heal the chronic pain is through emotional therapy by the use of creative exploration, for the adult to go back to his/her innocent years and recall the unfinished business. This therapy however, requires an experienced, open minded & objective "emotion healer" who can lead the adult to go through the process by opening the door of the mind, searching and cleaning it thoroughly, and leaving it clean.

In my opinion, I believe that the mind cannot be shut-off totally, not until your dead. All memories, good or bad, shows into a person's actions on a day to day basis, until he/she is living.

Everything is part of the person's composition already. What is needed is for the adult to understand why she/he react this way or that way on some matters. The "Mind Journey" is to know oneself deeply as a responsible adult through the objective guidance of the "emotion healer".

There are requirements however before an adult goes through the "Mind Journey" process. The adult must be intelligent, matured, and capable of logical thinking. She/he must also have full trust and confidence to his/her Emotion Healer to guide her/him in the journey to discuss intellectually the emotional release and experience.

Several sessions are given to finally detoxify the mind and to also give continuous learning of the adult to monitor his/her brain detoxification of thoughts and memories.

This is part of the wellness lifestyle as a discipline. Detoxification is mind & body.

For more info or if you want to attend my wellness workshops, e-mail me at or call/text 0927.676.7738.

Wellness Workshops through Creative Exploration are done by group while Brain Journey for emotional healing is 1on1 session as scheduled.
Workshop venue/s in the Philippines.

All right then, if you can't reach me because you are not here, I am just a blog away. Click my name and you find me in google.

You are not far, you're just on the other side of the horizon...and we can always be connected..

Take care of yourself so you can take care of your loved one... for nothing is so sweet than being with the one you love...!

Your Wellness Teacher,
Zara Jane Juan



According to an article at: Short Sharp Science: Home: "A protein released by breast cells during tissue development has been found to target and kill nearby cancerous cells. The research, conducted by Mina Bissell of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California and colleagues, could lead to a more natural treatment option for breast cancer that is less toxic to healthy cells.

The body's native immunity patrols for abnormal, potentially cancerous cells that regularly appear. Here healthy breast cells (shown) produce the immune protein interleukin-25, which selectively targets nearby malignant cells that have the corresponding receptor. The activated interleukin-25 receptor then initiates the self-destruct mechanism for the malignant cell."

Cancer can be cured by the natural process of just eating the basic food without the preservatives and additives. Refrain from processed foods so you won't add up to the toxins you get from the environment.

Take for instance the data from Wikepedia below on Folic Acid:

Folic acid (also known as vitamin B9,[1] vitamin Bc[2] or folacin) and folate (the naturally occurring form), as well as pteroyl-L-glutamic acid, pteroyl-L-glutamate, andpteroylmonoglutamic acid[3] are forms of the water-soluble vitamin B9. Folic acid is itself not biologically active, but its biological importance is due to tetrahydrofolate and other derivatives after its conversion to dihydrofolic acid in the liver.[4]

Vitamin B9 (folic acid and folate inclusive) is essential to numerous bodily functions. The human body needs folate to synthesize DNA, repair DNA, and methylate DNA as well as to act as a cofactor in biological reactions involving folate.[5] It is especially important in aiding rapidcell division and growth, such as in infancy and pregnancy, as well as in "feeding" some cancers. While a normal diet also high in natural folates may decrease the risk of cancer, there is diverse evidence that high folate intake from supplementation may actually promote some cancers as well as precancerous tumors and lesions. Children and adults both require folic acid to produce healthy red blood cells and prevent anemia.[6]

Folate and folic acid derive their names from the Latin word folium (which means "leaf"). Leafy vegetables are a principal source, although in Western diets fortified cereals and bread may be a larger dietary source.

A lack of dietary folic acid leads to folate deficiency which is uncommon in normal Western diets. Failures to replenish one's folates might not manifest themselves as folate deficiency for 4 months because a healthy individual has about 500-20,000 mcg[7] of folate in body stores.[8]This deficiency can result in many health problems, the most notable one being neural tube defects in developing embryos. Common symptoms of folate deficiency include diarrhea, macrocytic anemia with weakness or shortness of breath, nerve damage with weakness and limb numbness (peripheral neuropathy), pregnancy complications, mental confusion, forgetfulness or other cognitive declines, mental depression, sore or swollen tongue, peptic or mouth ulcers, headaches, heart palpitations, irritability, and behavioral disorders. Low levels of folate can also lead to homocysteine accumulation.[5] DNA synthesis and repair are impaired and this could lead to cancer development.

The best way to heal ourselves from cancer or prevent the development of cancer cells is to change lifestyle by going back to the basic of eating raw, salad (make sure you clean it well), veggies and fruits, and of course, tofu should be the regular diet.

I suggest even if you're not diagnose to have cancer cells yet (probably they are still sleeping), might as well take the precaution. Choose the healthy menu. Sample below:


one big bowl of oatmeal with fruits in season

soy milk

brewed coffee (no instant please!) or hot chocolate



steamed tofu

steamed vegetables

red rice

apple or any fruits in season


salad (wild and green have less pesticides)

wheat bread

glass of milk or hot tea

fruits in season

Before you sleep, do 30-60 mins yoga / meditation / deep breathing and Pray to detoxify your brain with negative thoughts and induce you to sleep soundly.

When you do this, please avoid meat, no alcohol, no nicotine, no substance, etc

and put plants in your working area to detoxify your air

Eat on time and Sleep on time

In other words, be a nice girl / boy. It pays to be obedient in the long run

No one will take care of you the best as you can but YOU because you know yourself very well....

Start now and enjoy living life at its finest and fullest at a lesser cost, no savings for hospital bills but money instead for enjoyment to travel, explore, create, and discover your innermost talent and more to accomplish your dreams.... as we both go through life extensively in peace with nature and God.

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Sailing for Peace Coffee Talk
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