Emotional Wellness: Riding the waves of adversity - Las Cruces Sun-News: "When we are faced with adversity, the fear of the unknown, of failure and pain, can affect the way we handle the situation. Anger happens when things go wrong as we try to change can block our path to finding solutions to our problems.
Fear and anger are emotions of positive stress; they help us stay alive when there is danger — physical or emotional.
These emotions may not feel comfortable, but they help us confront the situation we perceive as threatening. Once we feel safe, they go away and we can continue with our transformation.
If we avoid dealing with these emotions, they stay in our brain, which continues to send alarm signals to our body, producing negative stress (i.e. mental and physical sickness). The brain believes that we still need to fight or hide to stay alive. And when we are angry or afraid, we do not think, we only react to the situation that we perceive as threatening, and positive change becomes a very difficult task. The angrier and more afraid we get, the more we will resist change, and the more we will lose the opportunity to use our strengths to face adversity."
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Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
Extent of Coverage as of Today
Monday, September 5, 2011
Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Needed Supplements for Kids, Adults & Seniors
Expert advice: Are food supplements healthy? - The Times of India:
What are the recommended types of food supplements for seniors? Calcium (This is to make sure that seniors, especially women post the age of 40, do not counter osteoporosis and pre menopausal syndrome).Vitamins (These provide aged women and men with stronger immunity). Fatty Acids like omega 3 (These essential fatty acids manage the cholesterol levels and prevent heart diseases in senior citizens).
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"What are the recommended types of food supplements for kids? B and C Vitamins in combination are provided to kids to increase their immunity. Calcium is good for kids for healthy teeth and bone formation.
What are the recommended food supplements for an average weighing man/woman? Fatty acids like omega 3 and omega 6 (These essential fatty acids manage the cholesterol levels and prevent heart diseases in average men and women). Vitamin B and C (These vitamins boost immunity and help in regular metabolic functions in our body). "
What are the recommended types of food supplements for seniors? Calcium (This is to make sure that seniors, especially women post the age of 40, do not counter osteoporosis and pre menopausal syndrome).Vitamins (These provide aged women and men with stronger immunity). Fatty Acids like omega 3 (These essential fatty acids manage the cholesterol levels and prevent heart diseases in senior citizens).
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Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate:Try Functional Training!
Formulating functional fitness for everyday people | Reuters: ""Functional training uses higher repetitions with fewer breaks so it boosts cardio vascular levels as well as strength training."
Bootcamp classes, which use light weights or one's own body weight, he said are among the most popular functional fitness classes.
"You can also use medicine balls, resistance balls, dumbbells," he said. "Any tool can be used in a group fitness setting given the right instruction and set up."
Among the newer tools in the functional fitness arsenal is the ViPR (Vitality, Performance, Reconditioning), a rubber cylinder with cutout handles designed to be carried, dragged, flipped, thrown, stepped on and rolled over.
It's functional, according to Salzone, because you can adjust your workout to your goals, "whether you're a marathoner, looking to gain lean mass or just have an overall full body workout.""
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Bootcamp classes, which use light weights or one's own body weight, he said are among the most popular functional fitness classes.
"You can also use medicine balls, resistance balls, dumbbells," he said. "Any tool can be used in a group fitness setting given the right instruction and set up."
Among the newer tools in the functional fitness arsenal is the ViPR (Vitality, Performance, Reconditioning), a rubber cylinder with cutout handles designed to be carried, dragged, flipped, thrown, stepped on and rolled over.
It's functional, according to Salzone, because you can adjust your workout to your goals, "whether you're a marathoner, looking to gain lean mass or just have an overall full body workout.""
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Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Take some time off and Rejuvenate!
Vacation deprivation not healthy. In fact, it's costly. - UPI.com: "Dr. Munro Cullum, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, said some level of stress can help people keep going and hasten projects and accomplishments, but if stress becomes too much, it can also result in negative physiological reactions that can lead to illness.
Exercise, a healthy diet and adequate sleep are important to maintain health, but people need some down time, to allow their brains to work "offline," Cullum said.
Cullum said even taking a short break can be rejuvenating, but significant de-stressing might take several days "just to get ourselves used to the idea of relaxing."
"Getting away for a vacation allows us time to simply play and leave the 'baggage' behind," Cullum said in a statement."
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Exercise, a healthy diet and adequate sleep are important to maintain health, but people need some down time, to allow their brains to work "offline," Cullum said.
Cullum said even taking a short break can be rejuvenating, but significant de-stressing might take several days "just to get ourselves used to the idea of relaxing."
"Getting away for a vacation allows us time to simply play and leave the 'baggage' behind," Cullum said in a statement."
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Climate Change Update: Greens Call for Pacific climate change action | Voxy.co.nz
Greens Call for Pacific climate change action | Voxy.co.nz: "Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne, said "Australia and New Zealand are both taking big steps in putting a price on carbon, but both countries need to lift the level of ambition if the impact of climate change on our Pacific neighbours is going to be properly addressed.
"We particularly call on Prime Ministers Gillard and Key to show by their actions, not just words, a renewed resolve to assist the Pacific nations against this existential threat."
"Islands bear a disproportionate burden from climate change," said Dorothy Tekwie, President of the Papua New Guinea Greens "yet they are not responsible for the causes and have no control over the outcome."
New Zealand Green Party spokesperson on Climate Change, Kennedy Graham said "New Zealand has a special relationship with the Pacific nations; but our Government's strategy desperately needs to be updated to reflect the impact of climate change on our neighbours.""
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"We particularly call on Prime Ministers Gillard and Key to show by their actions, not just words, a renewed resolve to assist the Pacific nations against this existential threat."
"Islands bear a disproportionate burden from climate change," said Dorothy Tekwie, President of the Papua New Guinea Greens "yet they are not responsible for the causes and have no control over the outcome."
New Zealand Green Party spokesperson on Climate Change, Kennedy Graham said "New Zealand has a special relationship with the Pacific nations; but our Government's strategy desperately needs to be updated to reflect the impact of climate change on our neighbours.""
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Climate Change Update: UN chief promises 'real action' on climate - Times LIVE
UN chief promises 'real action' on climate - Times LIVE: "UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday vowed to the leader of Kiribati, a low-lying Pacific nation threatened by rising seas, to keep pressing for "real results" against climate change.
Ban described the small Pacific nation, where some villagers have already had to relocate to escape rising sea levels, as standing on "the frontlines" of the global warming debate.
"I will bring your concerns back to the world, to the United Nations General Assembly (this month) and to the climate change negotiations in Durban later this year," he told an audience including Kiribati President Anote Tong.
"I will keep pressing for progress until we get real results," the UN chief said on a visit to the tiny nation.
The November 28-December 9 Durban climate summit aims to kickstart talks on how to address the issue of global warming, before the binding emissions targets of the Kyoto Protocol expire next year.
However, a range of powers including the United States and European Union have already said it will not result in a binding deal on carbon emissions."
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Ban described the small Pacific nation, where some villagers have already had to relocate to escape rising sea levels, as standing on "the frontlines" of the global warming debate.
"I will bring your concerns back to the world, to the United Nations General Assembly (this month) and to the climate change negotiations in Durban later this year," he told an audience including Kiribati President Anote Tong.
"I will keep pressing for progress until we get real results," the UN chief said on a visit to the tiny nation.
The November 28-December 9 Durban climate summit aims to kickstart talks on how to address the issue of global warming, before the binding emissions targets of the Kyoto Protocol expire next year.
However, a range of powers including the United States and European Union have already said it will not result in a binding deal on carbon emissions."
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Sep 05
- Climate Change Update: UN chief promises 'real act...
- Climate Change Update: Greens Call for Pacific cli...
- Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Take some time o...
- Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate:Try Functional Tr...
- Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Needed Supplemen...
- Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Name Your Emotio...
Sep 05