Role Modeling Summit Explores Crucial Link Between Mothers, Daughters, Food and Health -- WASHINGTON, April 27, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --: "How Mothers Can Pass on Their Own Health Legacy
The panel of leading health and nutrition experts closed the Summit by developing recommendations to mothers:
Eat (and Drink) Healthy Yourself. Kids will do as you do, so consume the foods and beverages that you want your children to have. Encourage lowfat or fat free milk instead of sugary drinks at every meal.
Make Meals Matter: Make family meals a positive time for you and your kids. Avoid criticism and enjoy your time (and your food) with your family.
Get Active: Be active to set a good example for your kids. Avoid unhealthy habits and find your family's favorite ways to be active together.
Focus on the Positive: Avoid making negative comments about food, your body or your child's body. Boost your daughter's self-esteem by complimenting qualities beyond just appearance."
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
Extent of Coverage as of Today
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Healthy Emotions: Chip Conley: The Chief Emotions Officer
Chip Conley: The Chief Emotions Officer: "After 24 years of being a CEO, I've come to realize that the best amongst us are truly Chief Emotions Officers as we are the 'emotional thermostats' for our organizations with studies showing that a typical leader has 50-70% influence over the work climate of their team.
There are three great pieces of empirical evidence that amplify this reality about 21st century leadership. First, Daniel Goleman has shown for 15 years now that emotional intelligence (EQ) represents two-thirds of the success of business leaders as compared to only one-third coming from either IQ or the leader's transferable experience. And, yet, in 2010, less than 10% of the training and development dollars spent by America's corporations went toward emotional intelligence or literacy training (often called 'soft skills'). We know it's important and, yet, we seem to be reluctant in investing in the skills to help our executives become Chief Emotions Officers."
There are three great pieces of empirical evidence that amplify this reality about 21st century leadership. First, Daniel Goleman has shown for 15 years now that emotional intelligence (EQ) represents two-thirds of the success of business leaders as compared to only one-third coming from either IQ or the leader's transferable experience. And, yet, in 2010, less than 10% of the training and development dollars spent by America's corporations went toward emotional intelligence or literacy training (often called 'soft skills'). We know it's important and, yet, we seem to be reluctant in investing in the skills to help our executives become Chief Emotions Officers."
pls click above for more info
Healthy Body: Senior Style: Healthy body, healthy mind | | Tucson, Arizona
Senior Style: Healthy body, healthy mind | | Tucson, Arizona: "Virtual trainers. If personal training isn't an option, older adults may use online tutorials or DVDs to see the proper techniques and to get an idea of what a strength training routine looks like
- Chair exercises. If mobility is an issue, chair exercises are a great start. If an older adult has difficulty standing for an extended period of time, chair exercises are ideal for them. All muscle groups can be worked from a sitting position
Using weights:
- Start with no weights or light weights to practice the exercises and condition the body
- Graduate to strength training exercises using dumbbells, machines and/or resistance bands
- Do each exercise for at least one set of 10-15 repetitions
- Progress by adding more sets and/or increasing the weights each week
- Focus on having good form for each exercise
- Be sure to warm up with light exercise before lifting weights"
- Chair exercises. If mobility is an issue, chair exercises are a great start. If an older adult has difficulty standing for an extended period of time, chair exercises are ideal for them. All muscle groups can be worked from a sitting position
Using weights:
- Start with no weights or light weights to practice the exercises and condition the body
- Graduate to strength training exercises using dumbbells, machines and/or resistance bands
- Do each exercise for at least one set of 10-15 repetitions
- Progress by adding more sets and/or increasing the weights each week
- Focus on having good form for each exercise
- Be sure to warm up with light exercise before lifting weights"
Wellness Update: North America: Health Tip: Taking a Cruise? - US News and World Report
Health Tip: Taking a Cruise? - US News and World Report: "The National Center for Environmental Health suggests these tips to help prevent the spread of illness:
Wash your hands -- before and after eating or smoking; after touching your face or going to the bathroom, and when your hands are simply dirty.
Leave the area if you see someone get sick (vomiting or diarrhea). Report the problem to cruise staff, if they haven't already been notified.
Take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. Resting helps rebuild your immune system. Drinking water helps prevents dehydration.
Be considerate of other people's health. If you're ill before taking a cruise, call the cruise line to determine if you can reschedule, and if there are alternatives to losing your deposit or fare."
Wash your hands -- before and after eating or smoking; after touching your face or going to the bathroom, and when your hands are simply dirty.
Leave the area if you see someone get sick (vomiting or diarrhea). Report the problem to cruise staff, if they haven't already been notified.
Take care of yourself. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water. Resting helps rebuild your immune system. Drinking water helps prevents dehydration.
Be considerate of other people's health. If you're ill before taking a cruise, call the cruise line to determine if you can reschedule, and if there are alternatives to losing your deposit or fare."
Wellness Update: Africa: Counterfeit Drugs: Africa’s silent public health crisis ::: Breaking News | News in Ghana | features
Ghana News :Counterfeit Drugs: Africa’s silent public health crisis ::: Breaking News | News in Ghana | features: "The discussion’s moderator Bright Simons called fake drugs “the most systemic threat to healthcare in Africa”. Mr. Simons is the founder of mPedigree (www.mPedigree.Net), an innovative mobile phone-based system, which enables consumers through instant messaging to check the authenticity of their medications against a central database.
This kind of consumer empowered identification capacity is increasingly important as drugs are being manufactured by increasingly sophisticated counterfeiters who are able to reproduce medications, packaging and even security holograms that are indistinguishable to the consumer from the authentic products.
At the country level, Nigeria has been a pioneer in Africa in fighting counterfeits. According to a 2006 study, Nigeria was able to cut the proportion of fake drugs in the Nigerian market, from 48% in 2004 to 16.7%, at least over the period under observation."
This kind of consumer empowered identification capacity is increasingly important as drugs are being manufactured by increasingly sophisticated counterfeiters who are able to reproduce medications, packaging and even security holograms that are indistinguishable to the consumer from the authentic products.
At the country level, Nigeria has been a pioneer in Africa in fighting counterfeits. According to a 2006 study, Nigeria was able to cut the proportion of fake drugs in the Nigerian market, from 48% in 2004 to 16.7%, at least over the period under observation."
Wellness Update; Antarctica: Ozone Hole A Surprise Rainmaker : Discovery News
Ozone Hole A Surprise Rainmaker : Discovery News: "The idea that losing ozone in the cold stratosphere over the South Pole could affect weather in the lower atmosphere all the way to the warm equator means Earth's changing climate system is even more complicated than most everyone thought.
The modeling study, published in the recent online issue of the journal Science, revealed that thinning of the ozone layer prompts severe cooling in the lower stratosphere over Antarctica. This cooling causes the lower level troposphere to rise and leads to a poleward shift in a strand of strong winds known as the westerly jet. Moving this jet stream pulls the storm track and other atmospheric circulation features farther south.
In the latter half of the 20th Century, observations tracked the southerly migration of the band of sinking air over the dry Subtropics and the rising air over the Tropics. The changing atmospheric patterns brought more rainfall, especially in summer, to subtropical regions that were previously dry, including eastern Australia."
The modeling study, published in the recent online issue of the journal Science, revealed that thinning of the ozone layer prompts severe cooling in the lower stratosphere over Antarctica. This cooling causes the lower level troposphere to rise and leads to a poleward shift in a strand of strong winds known as the westerly jet. Moving this jet stream pulls the storm track and other atmospheric circulation features farther south.
In the latter half of the 20th Century, observations tracked the southerly migration of the band of sinking air over the dry Subtropics and the rising air over the Tropics. The changing atmospheric patterns brought more rainfall, especially in summer, to subtropical regions that were previously dry, including eastern Australia."
Wellness Update: Europe: Scope - medical blog - Stanford University School of Medicine
Scope - medical blog - Stanford University School of Medicine: "In recognition of International Noise Awareness Day today, take a moment to reflect on how noise might be disrupting your daily life and, possibly, harming your health. According to a recent report by the World Health Organization's European office:
There is sufficient evidence from large-scale epidemiological studies linking the population’s exposure to environmental noise with adverse health effects. Therefore, environmental noise should be considered not only as a cause of nuisance but also a concern for public health and environmental health. least one million healthy life years are lost every year from traffic-related noise in the western part of Europe.
The study breaks out the results into several specific types of noise health impacts. Every year in the EU, noise is estimated to cause:
61,000 lost years of healthy living due to noise-related heart disease
45,000 years lost due to cognitive impairment of children
903,000 years due to sleep disturbance
22,000 years due to tinnitus
587,000 years due to annoyance"
There is sufficient evidence from large-scale epidemiological studies linking the population’s exposure to environmental noise with adverse health effects. Therefore, environmental noise should be considered not only as a cause of nuisance but also a concern for public health and environmental health. least one million healthy life years are lost every year from traffic-related noise in the western part of Europe.
The study breaks out the results into several specific types of noise health impacts. Every year in the EU, noise is estimated to cause:
61,000 lost years of healthy living due to noise-related heart disease
45,000 years lost due to cognitive impairment of children
903,000 years due to sleep disturbance
22,000 years due to tinnitus
587,000 years due to annoyance"
Wellness Update: Asia: CASPIONET — Caspionet news headlines
CASPIONET — Caspionet news headlines: "After a seven year moratorium on the death penalty in Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries, a conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been held to further progress this to total abolition in the region. Supported and attended by the UN and senior EU country diplomats, the conference concluded that there had been no increase in crime levels since the moratorium was adopted and no obstacles to abolition have been identified.
Kazakhstan’s capital city, Astana will host a two-day economic forum in the first week in May which is based on the theme of the International Monetary System which develops the notion of global currency reserves which have less dependence on the US dollar. The run-up to the forum includes a virtual discussion board of the topic on the internet to enable the public to participate and contribute their thoughts."
Kazakhstan’s capital city, Astana will host a two-day economic forum in the first week in May which is based on the theme of the International Monetary System which develops the notion of global currency reserves which have less dependence on the US dollar. The run-up to the forum includes a virtual discussion board of the topic on the internet to enable the public to participate and contribute their thoughts."
Wellness Update: Australia: Low vitamin D levels linked to diabetes risk | Reuters
Low vitamin D levels linked to diabetes risk | Reuters: "Vitamin D is manufactured by the body in response to sunlight and also occurs naturally in some foods, like eggs, cod and salmon. The vitamin is best known for its role in working with calcium to build bones.
The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults get about 600 IU of vitamin D a day to maintain circulating levels in the desirable range.
Past studies have shown that vitamin D may also help keep blood sugar levels under control (see Reuters Health story of February 23, 2011).
In type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease, the body can't use insulin it produces efficiently to control blood sugar levels. Vitamin D may play a role by increasing the release of insulin, Gagnon said."
The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults get about 600 IU of vitamin D a day to maintain circulating levels in the desirable range.
Past studies have shown that vitamin D may also help keep blood sugar levels under control (see Reuters Health story of February 23, 2011).
In type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease, the body can't use insulin it produces efficiently to control blood sugar levels. Vitamin D may play a role by increasing the release of insulin, Gagnon said."
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Apr 27
- Wellness Update: Australia: Low vitamin D levels l...
- Wellness Update: Asia: CASPIONET — Caspionet news ...
- Wellness Update: Europe: Scope - medical blog - St...
- Wellness Update; Antarctica: Ozone Hole A Surprise...
- Wellness Update: Africa: Counterfeit Drugs: Africa...
- Wellness Update: North America: Health Tip: Taking...
- Healthy Body: Senior Style: Healthy body, healthy ...
- Healthy Emotions: Chip Conley: The Chief Emotions ...
- Healthy Food: Role Modeling Summit Explores Crucia...
Apr 27