Mother's Day in space: Astronaut mom connects with son from orbit - Technology & science - Space - - "Cady Coleman won't be the only mom spending this year's Mother's Day away from her child and family, but she will be higher up than any other.
Coleman is a NASA astronaut who's been living 220 miles (350 km) above the planet on the International Space Station since December 2010. And, she's the only mom in space for Mother's Day (her five crewmates are all men). [ Video: Cady Coleman Plays the Flute in Space ]"
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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Sunday, May 8, 2011
Climate Change Update: UN Climate change panel concludes renewable energy will be key tackling global warming
The Canadian Press: UN Climate change panel concludes renewable energy will be key tackling global warming: "The four-day meeting of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which began Thursday in Abu Dhabi was largely bullish on replacing fossil fuels.
'It is likely that renewable energy will have a significantly larger role in the global energy system in the future than today,' said the report. 'The scenarios indicate that even without efforts to address climate change, renewable energy can be expected to expand.'
A spokesman for the IPCC refused to comment on the report, saying it was still subject to several days of negotiations.
The report found that renewable energy — including solar, hydro, wind, biomass, geothermal and ocean energy — represented only about 13 per cent of the primary energy supply in 2008. But its growth is picking up with almost half of new electricity generating capacity coming from renewables in 2008 and 2009.
That growth will continue through 2050 with 164 different scenarios predicting the use of renewables significantly increasing as the world shifts to a low-carbon economy.
The most ambitious projected it will represent 77 per cent of global energy sources in 2050."
'It is likely that renewable energy will have a significantly larger role in the global energy system in the future than today,' said the report. 'The scenarios indicate that even without efforts to address climate change, renewable energy can be expected to expand.'
A spokesman for the IPCC refused to comment on the report, saying it was still subject to several days of negotiations.
The report found that renewable energy — including solar, hydro, wind, biomass, geothermal and ocean energy — represented only about 13 per cent of the primary energy supply in 2008. But its growth is picking up with almost half of new electricity generating capacity coming from renewables in 2008 and 2009.
That growth will continue through 2050 with 164 different scenarios predicting the use of renewables significantly increasing as the world shifts to a low-carbon economy.
The most ambitious projected it will represent 77 per cent of global energy sources in 2050."
Climate Change Update: Already Reducing Crop Yields
Climate Change Already Reducing Crop Yields | Environment | English: "Climate change is already beginning to hurt maize and wheat production, according to a new study.
Higher average growing season temperatures in most major grain-producing countries are beginning to work against the progress made by improving seeds and farming practices, according to the study published in the journal Science.
'It is better for yields if it gets warmer, but only up to a point,' said economist and study co-author Wolfram Schlenker at Columbia University.
Once temperatures rise above a certain point, which varies for each crop, 'yields fall off a cliff,' he said.
Improving technology vs. hotter climate
Global crop yields have been increasing slowly, but steadily, over the decades as farming technology has improved."
Higher average growing season temperatures in most major grain-producing countries are beginning to work against the progress made by improving seeds and farming practices, according to the study published in the journal Science.
'It is better for yields if it gets warmer, but only up to a point,' said economist and study co-author Wolfram Schlenker at Columbia University.
Once temperatures rise above a certain point, which varies for each crop, 'yields fall off a cliff,' he said.
Improving technology vs. hotter climate
Global crop yields have been increasing slowly, but steadily, over the decades as farming technology has improved."
Wellness Update: Africa
Who will lead? - JSOnline:
We have passionate people involved in the infant mortality crisis, but the efforts are fragmented. Needed: leadership.....
Poverty, unemployment, segregation, teen pregnancy, obesity, stress and race all play a role in poor birth outcomes for African-American women....."Anything that can be done to reduce stress in a woman's life can make a difference in birth outcomes, said George Morris, immediate past president at the Medical Society of Milwaukee County.
Morris believes that it's important for someone to lead the infant mortality effort so that everyone can understand their roles. An effort to combat teen pregnancy, now on the decline in Milwaukee, is an example of how positive leadership can change bad outcomes.
When Milwaukee led the nation in teen pregnancies, many people had become complacent with children having children. But the United Way of Greater Milwaukee got involved and made curbing teenage pregnancies one of its primary goals.
The organization brought together partners from across all sectors of the community and explained that teen pregnancy was not just a problem in minority communities - it was everyone's problem. They were able to rally the community around the issue, and the results have been four straight years of reductions."
Morris believes that it's important for someone to lead the infant mortality effort so that everyone can understand their roles. An effort to combat teen pregnancy, now on the decline in Milwaukee, is an example of how positive leadership can change bad outcomes.
When Milwaukee led the nation in teen pregnancies, many people had become complacent with children having children. But the United Way of Greater Milwaukee got involved and made curbing teenage pregnancies one of its primary goals.
The organization brought together partners from across all sectors of the community and explained that teen pregnancy was not just a problem in minority communities - it was everyone's problem. They were able to rally the community around the issue, and the results have been four straight years of reductions."
Wellness Update: South America: Viagra is Huge in Mexico
Viagra is Huge in Mexico - What's up with That? - Fox News Latino: "Mexico is the largest market for erectile dysfunction in the developing world, with about $200 million in sales every year.
That is why Pfizer has chosen the country for the introduction of Viagra Jet, a tablet that can be taken without water and will dissolve quickly -- making it more convenient to use in the heat of the moment. Pfizer hopes that this innovation will help it keep keep its foothold in Mexico’s lucrative erectile dysfunction drug market a year before their patent on the drug runs out and generics enter the picture.
Viagra’s success in Mexico is obvious, but experts in sexual health are not entirely sure why.
Two years after Viagra hit the market in Mexico in1998 and Pfizer launched a multi-million dollar advertising campaign, the number of visits to doctor in Mexico where patients mainly complained about erectile dysfunction increased 279 percent, according to a study."
That is why Pfizer has chosen the country for the introduction of Viagra Jet, a tablet that can be taken without water and will dissolve quickly -- making it more convenient to use in the heat of the moment. Pfizer hopes that this innovation will help it keep keep its foothold in Mexico’s lucrative erectile dysfunction drug market a year before their patent on the drug runs out and generics enter the picture.
Viagra’s success in Mexico is obvious, but experts in sexual health are not entirely sure why.
Two years after Viagra hit the market in Mexico in1998 and Pfizer launched a multi-million dollar advertising campaign, the number of visits to doctor in Mexico where patients mainly complained about erectile dysfunction increased 279 percent, according to a study."
Wellness Update: Australia: "TRAINEE dentists who complete training in the public system will receive $15,000 bonuses
More cash for dental health in Federal Budget | Adelaide Now: "TRAINEE dentists who complete training in the public system will receive $15,000 bonuses.
Describing the $52.6 billion announcement to be unveiled on Tuesday as a 'downpayment' on future reforms, Prime Minister Julia Gillard is pledging further action when the Budget allows.
A national advisory council will be set up to develop dental policy including 'priority areas for consideration in the 2012-13 Budget'.
The new scheme will also target rural and regional areas that suffer from a chronic shortage of dentists, contributing to poor dental health in the bush.
The Prime Minister's promise to the Greens to fix dental care was one of the prices Julia Gillard had to pay to form a government."
Describing the $52.6 billion announcement to be unveiled on Tuesday as a 'downpayment' on future reforms, Prime Minister Julia Gillard is pledging further action when the Budget allows.
A national advisory council will be set up to develop dental policy including 'priority areas for consideration in the 2012-13 Budget'.
The new scheme will also target rural and regional areas that suffer from a chronic shortage of dentists, contributing to poor dental health in the bush.
The Prime Minister's promise to the Greens to fix dental care was one of the prices Julia Gillard had to pay to form a government."
Wellness Update: Asia: Leading Experts Call For Urgent Action To Avoid Stroke Crisis Across Asia-Pacific Region
Leading Experts Call For Urgent Action To Avoid Stroke Crisis Across Asia-Pacific Region: "According to a new report, How Can We Avoid a Stroke Crisis in the Asia-Pacific Region?, urgent coordinated action is needed to avoid millions of preventable strokes, which leave many patients who have atrial fibrillation (AF) both mentally and physically disabled, or dead, every year.
The report, launched today during the 18th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology (APCC) by Action for Stroke Prevention, a group of health experts from across the globe, proposes urgent measures to prevent stroke in Asia-Pacific patients with AF, the most common, sustained abnormal heart rhythm and a major cause of stroke.2 The report's recommendations are endorsed by 32 leading Asia-Pacific and other global medical societies and patient organizations, reinforcing and recognizing the need for a call to action.
A stroke epidemic across the Asia-Pacific region, and indeed the rest of the world, is imminent if actions are not taken now to slow the rising tide of preventable strokes occurring every year. Dr. Sim Kui Hian, Head, Department of Cardiology and Head, Clinical Research Centre, Sarawak General Hospital, Malaysia, commented, 'The incidence of stroke across the Asia-Pacific region is continuing to grow and constitutes both a major public health issue and a significant economic burden."
The report, launched today during the 18th Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiology (APCC) by Action for Stroke Prevention, a group of health experts from across the globe, proposes urgent measures to prevent stroke in Asia-Pacific patients with AF, the most common, sustained abnormal heart rhythm and a major cause of stroke.2 The report's recommendations are endorsed by 32 leading Asia-Pacific and other global medical societies and patient organizations, reinforcing and recognizing the need for a call to action.
A stroke epidemic across the Asia-Pacific region, and indeed the rest of the world, is imminent if actions are not taken now to slow the rising tide of preventable strokes occurring every year. Dr. Sim Kui Hian, Head, Department of Cardiology and Head, Clinical Research Centre, Sarawak General Hospital, Malaysia, commented, 'The incidence of stroke across the Asia-Pacific region is continuing to grow and constitutes both a major public health issue and a significant economic burden."
Wellness Tip: Healthy Relationship: How to deal with embarrassment?
Offra Gerstein, Relationship Matters: Feeling embarrassed by your spouse's behavior? - Santa Cruz Sentinel: "Respect and social approval is individually earned and each person's perceptions dictate his/her actions. The man who feels embarrassed by his wife's attire may worry about her vulnerability, reputation or safety, which she may not share. The wife's concerns about her inebriated husband's acts may or may not lose him the respect of his friends. Adult children are not likely to attribute unkind or impolite gesture of one parent to both parents.
Since a spouse is unlikely to be demerited in the eyes of others for actions he or she did not undertake, a case can be made that the embarrassment a partner feels when the other falters is a compassionate response of feeling embarrassed for, not about the other.
Very often discussing the socially unpopular conduct with the offending partner does not result in a behavioral change. As long as the erring mate does not personally feel embarrassed about his/her conduct, no change is likely to occur. Embarrassment cannot be transferred from one individual to another. It requires sufficient self-awareness and discomfort to motivate one to modify his/her ways."
Since a spouse is unlikely to be demerited in the eyes of others for actions he or she did not undertake, a case can be made that the embarrassment a partner feels when the other falters is a compassionate response of feeling embarrassed for, not about the other.
Very often discussing the socially unpopular conduct with the offending partner does not result in a behavioral change. As long as the erring mate does not personally feel embarrassed about his/her conduct, no change is likely to occur. Embarrassment cannot be transferred from one individual to another. It requires sufficient self-awareness and discomfort to motivate one to modify his/her ways."
Wellness Tip: Healthy Emotions: Guide: Yoga
Health fair focuses on female veterans: "Some examples of how women can maintain their health and reduce disease include staying centered through exercise and meditation, deep breathing exercises and progressive relaxation. Weyer demonstrated progressive relaxation by having the audience picture a peaceful place, imagine a restful color, or focus on a phrase to help them release stress and 'stay in the moment.' Weyer explained how by simply adopting a different mindset, an individual can effectively manage issues involving anger and depression.
'No feeling is final; things can and will change,' she said. 'Staying centered can help you lower your blood pressure, reduce stomach disorders and deal with sleep issues. Think about where you store your stress and work on reducing tension in that area.'
Doc Savage, owner of The Yoga Studio of Rapid City, also gave a demonstration on how practicing yoga can help vets.
'If you can breathe and smile, you can practice yoga,' Savage said. 'You don't have to do the 'pretzel pose.' Breath is the power of the yoga practice.'"
'No feeling is final; things can and will change,' she said. 'Staying centered can help you lower your blood pressure, reduce stomach disorders and deal with sleep issues. Think about where you store your stress and work on reducing tension in that area.'
Doc Savage, owner of The Yoga Studio of Rapid City, also gave a demonstration on how practicing yoga can help vets.
'If you can breathe and smile, you can practice yoga,' Savage said. 'You don't have to do the 'pretzel pose.' Breath is the power of the yoga practice.'"
Wellness Tip:Healthy Body: Bad blood pressure can affect whole body - Health & Fitness -
Bee Healthy: Bad blood pressure can affect whole body - Health & Fitness - "The standard numbers for a normal blood pressure are 120/80 or less. You have hypertension if the systolic (top) number is 140 or greater or if the diastolic (bottom) number is 90 or greater.
Why is it important to keep your blood pressure well controlled? Because an elevated blood pressure also affects all of the organs in our body.
The heart becomes enlarged and 'stiff' when it has to work too hard to push the blood out to perfuse the organs. This results in a form of heart disease called diastolic (filling) dysfunction, which causes blood to backflow to the lungs instead of effectively pumping blood out to our body, and we can again experience fatigue and shortness of breath with exertion.
The organs — from our head to our toes and including the skin — are all affected by high blood pressure. It increases our risk for stroke, heart attack and peripheral artery disease. It affects our kidney function by 'pounding' away at our kidney filters, leading to poor kidney function."
Why is it important to keep your blood pressure well controlled? Because an elevated blood pressure also affects all of the organs in our body.
The heart becomes enlarged and 'stiff' when it has to work too hard to push the blood out to perfuse the organs. This results in a form of heart disease called diastolic (filling) dysfunction, which causes blood to backflow to the lungs instead of effectively pumping blood out to our body, and we can again experience fatigue and shortness of breath with exertion.
The organs — from our head to our toes and including the skin — are all affected by high blood pressure. It increases our risk for stroke, heart attack and peripheral artery disease. It affects our kidney function by 'pounding' away at our kidney filters, leading to poor kidney function."
Wellness Tips on Healthy Mind: Musical notes that keep you healthy - The Times of India
Musical notes that keep you healthy - The Times of India: "'Musical notes help harmonize the body and psychosomatic diseases, where mind is the cause of illness. Meditation and Yoga help to canalize body energy. There are seven chakras in our body and they can be stimulated by certain notes and Ragas,' stated Dr Joshi.
Dr Joshi is a homeopathy practitioner and has mastered the art of singing. He regularly organises music workshops for different age groups. He conducted a demonstration about the effect of musical notes where he sang selected composition in different Ragas. He used Raga Bhimpalas to stimulate the first chakra, Raga Des for the second, Yaman for the third, Rageshre for the fourth, Kedar for the fifth, Darbari for the sixth and Bhairavi for the seventh. He said, 'Each Chakra governs different parts of the body and when we stimulate the chakras, it harmonies the body and helps us feel good. The seventh chakra relates to the spiritual quotient and meditation like bliss to health.' Dr Joshi kept students engaged by telling them moral stories and jokes and the pleasant atmosphere helped to enrich the musical effect."
Dr Joshi is a homeopathy practitioner and has mastered the art of singing. He regularly organises music workshops for different age groups. He conducted a demonstration about the effect of musical notes where he sang selected composition in different Ragas. He used Raga Bhimpalas to stimulate the first chakra, Raga Des for the second, Yaman for the third, Rageshre for the fourth, Kedar for the fifth, Darbari for the sixth and Bhairavi for the seventh. He said, 'Each Chakra governs different parts of the body and when we stimulate the chakras, it harmonies the body and helps us feel good. The seventh chakra relates to the spiritual quotient and meditation like bliss to health.' Dr Joshi kept students engaged by telling them moral stories and jokes and the pleasant atmosphere helped to enrich the musical effect."
Healthy Food: part 2: Healthy ways to sweeten your food - The Times of India
Healthy ways to sweeten your food - The Times of India: "Figs (also known as anjeer) were used instead of sugar even when the concept of sugar was unknown to man. They contain fifty per cent sugar content and are a rich source of iron too. Pre-soak them for adding a better and richer taste to your food.
Fruits: Fruits such as apples, strawberries, blueberries, mangos and pineapple can be served as desserts. All you need to do is lightly sauté them in a bit of olive oil, add the said fruit and a bit of water. Let the fruit cook in its own juices and relish it as a dessert or as an evening/mid-morning snack.
Jaggery (also known as gur) is prepared by the extract of sugarcane juice, gur is dark, unrefined sugar and is one of the most available ingredients in Indian households. An excellent source of iron, gur is also full of many medicinal properties. However, one needs to be careful when eating gur as it can lead to a sudden hike in the blood sugar levels. Diabetics, watch out for the quantity of gur you eat!"
Fruits: Fruits such as apples, strawberries, blueberries, mangos and pineapple can be served as desserts. All you need to do is lightly sauté them in a bit of olive oil, add the said fruit and a bit of water. Let the fruit cook in its own juices and relish it as a dessert or as an evening/mid-morning snack.
Jaggery (also known as gur) is prepared by the extract of sugarcane juice, gur is dark, unrefined sugar and is one of the most available ingredients in Indian households. An excellent source of iron, gur is also full of many medicinal properties. However, one needs to be careful when eating gur as it can lead to a sudden hike in the blood sugar levels. Diabetics, watch out for the quantity of gur you eat!"
Healthy Food: part 1: Healthy ways to sweeten your food - The Times of India
Healthy ways to sweeten your food - The Times of India: "Honey is an excellent way to do away with the phlegm and allergies from the body. Not only this, honey is much sweeter than white sugar and acts as a healthy substitute to it. Therefore, if you use only one-third amount of honey as compared to white sugar, your desserts are bound to taste much richer and creamier. Add it homemade sauces and salads and you can add texture and varied consistency to any dish. Drizzle it as a dressing on piping hot vegetables or mix it with a bit of chilli sauce and lemon, it is an ideal natural sweetener.
Raisins or Kishmish can be added to any sweet dish as the sweetening agent present in them gives ample amount of taste.
Dates (also known as khajur) have around 60% sugar content and the more you dry them, the more water evaporates from them, increasing the sugar content in them. However, make sure that when you use dates, you don't use them in dishes which require liquefying sugar in a liquid. This is because date sugar does not dissolve well. They are best when used along with baked dishes. So, ditch the white sugar this festive season and sweeten your desserts and baked dishes with khajur instead."
Raisins or Kishmish can be added to any sweet dish as the sweetening agent present in them gives ample amount of taste.
Dates (also known as khajur) have around 60% sugar content and the more you dry them, the more water evaporates from them, increasing the sugar content in them. However, make sure that when you use dates, you don't use them in dishes which require liquefying sugar in a liquid. This is because date sugar does not dissolve well. They are best when used along with baked dishes. So, ditch the white sugar this festive season and sweeten your desserts and baked dishes with khajur instead."
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May 08
- Healthy Food: part 1: Healthy ways to sweeten your...
- Healthy Food: part 2: Healthy ways to sweeten your...
- Wellness Tips on Healthy Mind: Musical notes that ...
- Wellness Tip:Healthy Body: Bad blood pressure can ...
- Wellness Tip: Healthy Emotions: Guide: Yoga
- Wellness Tip: Healthy Relationship: How to deal wi...
- Wellness Update: Asia: Leading Experts Call For Ur...
- Wellness Update: Australia: "TRAINEE dentists who ...
- Wellness Update: South America: Viagra is Huge in ...
- Wellness Update: Africa
- Climate Change Update: Already Reducing Crop Yields
- Climate Change Update: UN Climate change panel con...
- Mother's Day in space: Astronaut mom connects with...
May 08