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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Peace Update: Japan & Philippines Tighten Defense Ties -

Japan, Philippines Tighten Defense Ties - "Japan and the Philippines agreed on Tuesday to strengthen maritime security ties, while also underscoring the importance of preserving peace and stability in the South China Sea amid rising tensions with China.

After his talks with Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, on a four-day visit to Japan, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda told reporters that the two sides committed to bolstering "cooperation between coastguards and defense-related authorities."

A joint statement said bilateral ties have evolved from friendly relations to a "strategic partnership," and called for more collaboration on "regional and global issues of mutual concern and interest." The two countries also agreed to conduct frequent discussions on defense at more senior levels and increase the number of Japan Coast Guard missions to help train their Philippine counterparts."

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Tip 4d Changing Climate: Top 5 Natural Vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Top 5 Natural Vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): "If you are vegetarian, or considering going vegetarian, then getting enough vitamin B12 should be of concern to you. A slight deficiency of vitamin B-12, or Cobalamin, can lead to anemia, fatigue, mania, and depression, while a long term deficiency can potentially cause permanent damage to the brain and central nervous system. If you are not eating meat and want to maintain a natural diet then it is essential that you incorporate the natural vegetarian foods below into your diet. Vitamin supplements are also available."

#1: Cheese
The amount of vitamin B12 in cheese depends on type and variety, Swiss cheese provides the most with 3.34μg per 100g serving (56% RDA), followed by Gjetost(40% RDA), Mozzarella(39% RDA), Parmesan(38% RDA), Tilsit(35% RDA), and Feta(28% RDA).
Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#2: Eggs
When it comes to chicken eggs the raw yellow has most of the vitamin B-12 with 1.95μg per 100g serving (33% RDA), however, this equates to 0.33μg per yolk or just 6% of the RDA. The eggs of other animals are higher with a goose egg providing 7.34μg (122% RDA) of vitamin B-12 per 100g serving, and a duck egg providing 3.78μg (63% RDA).
Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#3: Whey Powder
Once thought the sole domain of body builders, whey powder is now entering main stream as more people are going vegetarian. Whey powder is a common addition to breads and smoothies, 100 grams will provide 2.5 μg of vitamin B12 or 42% of the RDA.
Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#4: Milk and Yogurt
100 grams of non-fat yogurt provides 0.53μg (10% RDA) of vitamin B12 and 15%RDA per cup. 100 grams of reduced fat milk provides 0.46μg (8% RDA) and 19% RDA per cup.
Click to see complete nutrition facts.

#5: Yeast extract Spreads (Marmite)
Yeast extract spreads are popular in Britain and Europe, and have started to gain popularity in the U.S. A good vegetarian source of protein, the spread also packs a lot of vitamin B12. One hundred grams provides 0.5μg (8% RDA) of vitamin B12, that is 0.03μg (1% RDA) per teaspoon.

Tip 4d Changing Climate: Study Finds Vitamin B12 May Prevent Memory Loss | Fox News

Study Finds Vitamin B12 May Prevent Memory Loss | Fox News: "The study, conducted at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, measured markers of B12 deficiency such as homocysteine, as well as levels of B12 in 121 older adults. The researchers looked at markers because measuring levels of B12 alone is thought to be an inaccurate way to gauge deficiency. The adults took several cognitive tests and about four years later, they had an MRI to measure their total brain volume.

“We showed that four out of five markers of B12 deficiency were strongly associated with poor cognitive performance overall, and more specifically, poor episodic memory and perceptual speed,” said Christine Tangney, Ph. D., the study’s lead author and associate professor of clinical nutrition at Rush.

The researchers also found that brain volume was significantly lower in those with high levels of markers for B12 deficiency.

“We may be missing a potential reason why someone might suffer cognitive decline over time because we’re not making sure they have adequate B12,” Tangney said.

This study supports other research showing an association between the B vitamin and cognition."

Note: The study, published Monday in the journal Neurology, found that adults over 65 with a vitamin B12 deficiency are more likely to have lower brain volumes and cognitive impairment than those with adequate B12.

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Climate Change Update: watch video: Aquarius Satellite Sees Seas' Salt and More on This Week @NASA - YouTube

Aquarius Satellite Sees Seas' Salt and More on This Week @NASA - YouTube: "This Week at NASA highlights the new Aquarius instrument's first global map, a sit-down with the Expedition 30/31 crew, student views of the SOFIA Observatory, the Boy Scouts Robotics Merit Badge, a cutting-edge STEM kit, Johnson Space Center's 50 year celebration, Bolden at the New Horizons in Aviation Forum, and monkeying around with the ISS and Dr. Jane Goodall."
watch video: 10mins:28sec
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Climate Change Update: NASA’s Aquarius Map Helps Detect Climate Change - International Business Times

NASA’s Aquarius Map Helps Detect Climate Change - International Business Times: "This is the first map of its kind, officials said that may prove to be beneficial in terms of understanding climate change.

Salinity changes are linked to the cycling of freshwater around the planet and influence ocean circulation, according to NASA.

"Because that pattern of ocean currents is what determines how much heat and carbon the ocean stores and that in turn determines how fast the climate warms," said scientist Steve Rintoul, who has been measuring currents between Australia and Antarctica, in an article for ABC News Australia. "

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