I’m bothered by your presence in my mind. It’s been quite sometime since we last met and I already got use to it of us not having communication anymore. It keeps me peaceful and focus on my work which is fine and doing well. Or shall I say I just learned to discipline myself not to think of you too often and being in far distance helps a lot. Now lately, I thought of you again which is annoying, I don’t like it coz it’s getting nowhere. You told me what you want and I cannot do it and you also know the reasons why. We won’t get anywhere because we are moving in two separate ways and holds two separate styles and decisions in dealing with our situation. Both of us have our own mind. Both are leaders and thus no one agreed to follow. I wish I can communicate more my thoughts to you but there was no open communication line as you close it when you hurt me with the words that you said. If you still want me to open up to you, at least be good to me. Treat me well and talk to me very well. No matter how angry you are to me, please choose your words politely. And you don’t need to pretend anything that you’re not getting hurt, I know. I know what you feel; you don’t need to hide it just to save your ego. We don’t even need to talk about what you feel if you are not comfortable, just don’t say harsh words just to get even on me because you are angry. If you still think of me and you still want me to be there, please be gentle to me, start the communication so I will trust you again. If things are not what we expect them to be, we might still be friends after all and the best of friends that we can be. It’s all up to you. I lay my cards. Peace man!