Benefits Of Tomato
Tomato - fruit or vegetable? This is one of the greatest confusions surrounding the eatable today. Though technically a fruit, tomato is used as a vegetable for cooking purposes. Whatever be their use, tomatoes have been known to comprise of a number of important nutrients and are believed to accord a number of nutritional benefits to their users. Infact, tomatoes are said to diminish the risk of a number of fatal ailments, like cancer and heart attack. Through the following lines, we intend to help you understand the fruit better, by listing its nutritional value and health benefits.
Nutritional Value of Tomato
Tomatohas been known to comprise of the following nutrients:
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin K
Lycopene (an Antioxidant)
Some amounts of Phosphorus, Sulfur and Potassium
Tomatoes have also been associated with low content of calories, fats and sodium.
Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Tomatoes
The presence of antioxidants in tomatoes is said to be helpful in cleansing the body, of toxic compounds.
Lycopene, present in tomatoes, has been known to neutralize free radicals and cut the risk of prostate cancer.
Those who eat raw tomatoes have been found to have much less risk of developing rectal, colon or stomach cancer.
It is believed that tomatoes block the effects of nitrosamines and thus, reduce the risk of lung cancer.
Researches have suggested that eating tomatoes might help reduce the risk of heart attack.
The vitamin K present in tomatoes helps in keeping the bones strong and healthy.
Tomatoes have been found to have positive effects in case of the following ailments:
Eye Disorders
Intestinal Disorders
Liver Disorders
Morning Sickness
Night Blindness
Urinary Tract Infection