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Thursday, April 14, 2011

WELLNESS UPDATE: AUSTRALIA: E-Health | E;ectronic Health Records

E-Health | E;ectronic Health Records: "By July 2012, you will be able to sign up for your own personally controlled electronic health record.

According to the government body established to make this happen - the National E-Health Transition Authority - these new electronic health records will provide secure and timely access to information about your current medications, diagnoses, allergies, immunisations and your health treatment preferences.

Both you and your doctor will be able to access your health record. You can decide which information goes into it, and which health providers can access certain parts of it. If you find incorrect information, you will be able to have it corrected. There will also be scope for you to add information.

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This week, the e-health authority released its 125-page blueprint for the development of electronic records in Australia. Individuals and organisations are being encouraged to provide feedback on the draft concept of operations, relating to the introduction of the proposed system."

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