Published by Francisco Herrera
I was born and raised in Florida. I've been in sales for most of my working life, and am now burnt out on the industry. I've had a passion for writing since I was a child, and am just now learning to do so e... View profile
People get angry for numerous reasons. Anger is an internal reaction that we perceive to have an external cause. When people get angry, they will never tell you it was for no reason. There is always something that the
person perceived as "not right" that triggered their anger.
Anger in itself is not unhealthy, its part of our physical makeup and a primitive defense mechanism. People get angry when they feel that they are being threatened. It could be a perceived threat to themselves, their ego, or someone they love or sympathize with. It's when anger is uncontrolled that it becomes a negative force with negative consequences.
When People get angry it can come from two types of sources, internal and external. Regardless of which of the two sources, sometimes both, that triggers a persons anger, the actual emotion itself tends to have its roots anchored somewhere in the persons psyche. A man who was brought up in an abusive home may become angry as soon as they hear somebody get verbally loud. A person frustrated over money may get angry when a friend asks for a cigarette. Someone who feels that they are being generalized may get angry with someone who they feel perceives them in this fashion.
People get angry more often as their frustration tolerance lowers. This low tolerance level can be caused by a number of reasons, stress and/or anxiety, physical and/or emotional pain, drugs and alcohol, or simply having a bad day. All of these can lead to a lower frustration tolerance, and when people get angry it can result in unnecessary outbreaks. When anger is out of control it is similar to a person under the influence of drugs. The person's ability to rationalize is compromised and they act purely from emotion.
Anger in itself is not unhealthy, its part of our physical makeup and a primitive defense mechanism. People get angry when they feel that they are being threatened. It could be a perceived threat to themselves, their ego, or someone they love or sympathize with. It's when anger is uncontrolled that it becomes a negative force with negative consequences.
When People get angry it can come from two types of sources, internal and external. Regardless of which of the two sources, sometimes both, that triggers a persons anger, the actual emotion itself tends to have its roots anchored somewhere in the persons psyche. A man who was brought up in an abusive home may become angry as soon as they hear somebody get verbally loud. A person frustrated over money may get angry when a friend asks for a cigarette. Someone who feels that they are being generalized may get angry with someone who they feel perceives them in this fashion.
People get angry more often as their frustration tolerance lowers. This low tolerance level can be caused by a number of reasons, stress and/or anxiety, physical and/or emotional pain, drugs and alcohol, or simply having a bad day. All of these can lead to a lower frustration tolerance, and when people get angry it can result in unnecessary outbreaks. When anger is out of control it is similar to a person under the influence of drugs. The person's ability to rationalize is compromised and they act purely from emotion.