Climate change as a business problem – Global Public Square - Blogs: "Governments must continue pushing for a multilateral emissions-reduction deal. But in its absence, we can nonetheless aim to promote Britain as a champion of green technology and a hub for green enterprise. After all, while climate change is a market failure, it is also a disruption that provides many opportunities: new ways of doing business, new technologies for maintaining our lifestyles, and new attitudes toward consumption and production. Now is the time for Britain to cement itself as a leader in this field.
To be sure, the UK is still recovering from a deep recession; living standards have been dented by the financial crisis; and the eurozone’s troubles remind us that there is still turbulence out there. Even so, we have an opportunity to make a real difference. The UK’s coalition government speaks with one voice about the risks of climate change. The British public recognizes that inaction is no longer acceptable. And the country’s business community is determined to play its part in addressing the problem.
Climate change threatens our way of life, and we will have to face some uncomfortable adjustments over the coming years and decades. The road ahead will be long, hard, and, most likely, expensive."
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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Aug 04
- Climate Change Update: Climate change affects each...
- Climate Change Update: Climate change as a busines...
- Climate Change Update: Heat unlikely to cool clima...
- Wellness Tip: Behavioral Intervention, Not Self-Co...
- Wellness Tip: make Your Home, a Sanctuary of Healt...
- Wellness Update: Asia: Spiritual Wellness dominate...
Aug 04