Hopefulness Is Better Than Happiness for Diet Success – TIME Healthland: Don't stop thinking about tomorrow — if you want to stick to your diet. That's the conclusion of a new study, which found that upbeat, forward-looking feelings like hopefulness led to better dietary choices, while positive emotions like happiness weren't necessarily conducive to self-control.
"Past research is a bit conflicting in terms of how positive emotion affects food consumption," says lead author Kelly Haws, assistant professor of marketing at Texas A&M University. "We found that the more future-focused positive emotions were leading people to consume less."
Research on unhealthy eating behavior has typically focused on negative emotions like fear, anxiety and hopelessness because people tend to use sweet or salty foods to alleviate distress. However, as anyone who has ever been to a party knows, celebrations of good times and positive feelings are also occasions for indulgence.
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