NASA Scientist Urges Action on Climate Change - Fair Lawn, NJ Patch: More than 400 people turned out at Bergen Community College Thursday night to hear NASA scientist, former Ridgewood resident and renowned climatologist James E. Hansen speak about global warming and how to solve it........"Using slides and graphs, the scientist presented evidence of global warming: disintegrating ice sheets, receding glaciers and unusual weather patterns. He acknowledged some of the process is natural, but said it has been significantly increased by humans.
“We’re 10,000 times more powerful than natural changes,” he said.
According to Hansen, changing our ways is a matter of “intergenerational justice.”
With images of his grandchildren flashing on the screen, the scientist issued a call to responsible action.
“We’re going to leave our grandchildren a situation that’s out of control, if we don’t do something,” he said.
He proposes a tax on carbon emissions, collecting from both companies and the public, but re-investing the money into environmental projects that will enable phasing out the use of fossil fuels entirely.
“We need an incentive to develop new energy sources,” Hansen said.
He also said we need a big country to take the lead and cited the achievements of China which he called "the number-one producer of solar panels, windmills and nuclear power alternatives.” "(pls click link above for complete article)
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