Green Energy's Bottom Line - Seeking Alpha: "According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the major energy sources for the U.S., including energy used for transportation, are (figures rounded):
Petroleum – 35%
Natural Gas – 23%
Coal – 20%
Renewables – 8%
Nuclear – 8%
Other – 6%
The biggest part of this total energy pie (over 38%) goes for the generation of electricity, with the second biggest piece (27%) going to transportation. The figures above set renewables as representing 8% of total U.S. energy sources, but much of that is hydroelectric.
Looking at electrical generation sourcing exclusively, we get the following breakdown, providing a better idea of the still limited role played by non-hydro renewables:
Coal – 45%
Natural Gas – 23%
Nuclear – 20%
Hydroelectric – 7%
Other Renewables – 4%
Other – 1%
Of the 4% listed as Other Renewables (non-hydroelectric) we get the following breakdown:
Wind – 55%
Biomass – 35%
Geothermal – 9%
Solar – 1%"
Note: Any developing technology typically eats up money in research and development, the benefits of which show up later in the business cycle.
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