Study Finds Vitamin B12 May Prevent Memory Loss | Fox News: "The study, conducted at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, measured markers of B12 deficiency such as homocysteine, as well as levels of B12 in 121 older adults. The researchers looked at markers because measuring levels of B12 alone is thought to be an inaccurate way to gauge deficiency. The adults took several cognitive tests and about four years later, they had an MRI to measure their total brain volume.
“We showed that four out of five markers of B12 deficiency were strongly associated with poor cognitive performance overall, and more specifically, poor episodic memory and perceptual speed,” said Christine Tangney, Ph. D., the study’s lead author and associate professor of clinical nutrition at Rush.
The researchers also found that brain volume was significantly lower in those with high levels of markers for B12 deficiency.
“We may be missing a potential reason why someone might suffer cognitive decline over time because we’re not making sure they have adequate B12,” Tangney said.
This study supports other research showing an association between the B vitamin and cognition."
Note: The study, published Monday in the journal Neurology, found that adults over 65 with a vitamin B12 deficiency are more likely to have lower brain volumes and cognitive impairment than those with adequate B12.
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