Emotional Wellness: Riding the waves of adversity - Las Cruces Sun-News: "When we are faced with adversity, the fear of the unknown, of failure and pain, can affect the way we handle the situation. Anger happens when things go wrong as we try to change can block our path to finding solutions to our problems.
Fear and anger are emotions of positive stress; they help us stay alive when there is danger — physical or emotional.
These emotions may not feel comfortable, but they help us confront the situation we perceive as threatening. Once we feel safe, they go away and we can continue with our transformation.
If we avoid dealing with these emotions, they stay in our brain, which continues to send alarm signals to our body, producing negative stress (i.e. mental and physical sickness). The brain believes that we still need to fight or hide to stay alive. And when we are angry or afraid, we do not think, we only react to the situation that we perceive as threatening, and positive change becomes a very difficult task. The angrier and more afraid we get, the more we will resist change, and the more we will lose the opportunity to use our strengths to face adversity."
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