The 2C Challenge, co-ordinated by the Prince of Wales Corporate Leaders Group, says that climate change puts society's future prosperity at risk. But the window to keep global warming below 2C has "almost closed", it warns.
Companies signing up include UK retailer Tesco, energy provider EDF, electronics company Philips, chemicals giant Unilever, eBay and Rolls-Royce.
The communique is published six weeks before governments of 192 countries convene in Durban, South Africa, for the annual UN climate summit.
Analyses show that at current rates, greenhouse gas emissions are not being curbed quickly enough to keep the global average temperature rise since pre-industrial times below 2C, which is what many governments say they want. A majority prefer the tougher target of 1.5C, which is almost certainly out of reach without investment in climate "technical fixes"."
BBC News - Companies call for tougher climate action: "
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