"It has been slow starting," said Dan Tolson, one of three partners in the company. Solar power is a novelty in Kentucky, he said, "but we think the potential here is huge. It just makes sense." Photovoltaic-panel prices worldwide have fallen more than 30 percent in the past year, making solar power an increasingly viable supplement to conventional power supplies. "The more we use this technology, the cheaper it gets," AEK partner Troy Lay said."
Tom Eblen: Company says the future of solar panels in Ky. is bright | Business | Kentucky.com:
Alternative Energies of Kentucky installed this solar panel-power system on a customer's home in Frankfort. PHOTO PROVIDED
Read more: http://www.kentucky.com/2011/10/10/1915085/tom-eblen-company-says-the-future.html#ixzzBcZEUt7Dy