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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Update: Europe Bans X-Ray Full-Body Scanners Over Health Concerns

The Europeans, for whom data privacy is kind of a capital-T thing and has been for a very long time, had been slow to deploy full-body scanners across the continent in part exactly because of privacy concerns. The new policy introduces a number of safeguards that will be very familiar to US travelers: no storing of the images, no looking at the images except from a different room, and no forcing passengers to walk through the machines without offering an opt-out.

And then there's the part that's glaringly different from the US. Airports that use full-body scanners will not be allowed to use x-ray devices, only millimeter-wave devices. Europe has decided that the health effects of x-ray scanners haven't been studied enough, and that they could pose "health and safety" risks to passengers."

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