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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Update: The world doesn't lack the technology to tackle the problem of Climate Change — just the political will

"The world is hurtling toward irreversible climate change, the International Energy Agency warns, saying that bold action must be taken in the next five years. The IEA, in its annual World Energy Outlook released Wednesday, said that the world will lose the chance to limit warming if it doesn't act now. The IEA’s members include 28 consuming nations. It was formed in response to the oil crisis in the 1970s, but since then its mandate has expanded beyond energy security to include environmental awareness. The agency prescribed what needs to be done to cap global temperature increases at two degrees above preindustrial levels and predicted the consequences if those steps aren't taken. A two-degree increase is the threshold beyond which some scientists have said catastrophic changes could be triggered. The warning came a day after Canada's Environment Minister Peter Kent acknowledged in a speech in Toronto that his government expects to face international pressure at upcoming climate change talks over its refusal to sign on for a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol."

'via Blog this'Time for climate change fix running out, IEA warns - Business - CBC News:

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