""In Europe over 100 new coal-fired power plants are in a planning stage or under construction," according to the report. "Last year, 173 coal-fired power plants were approved for construction in India -- that is one power plant every two days." "All told, India has enough plants in the pipeline to expand its coal-fired capacity by 600% over the next two decades. "In China, two new coal plants are being completed per week," it says. "If China's carbon usage keeps up this pace, the country's CO2 emissions in 2030 will equal the entire world's CO2 production today." South Africa is singled out in the report as the 11th largest CO2 emitter worldwide, with particular attention devoted to Eskom's new coal-fired power plants Medupi and Kusile. "Eskom's newest projects are gargantuan," the report said. "The Medupi and Kusile power plants, 4 800MW each, will be six times as big as typical coal-fired power plants in Germany and will produce estimated emissions of over 60-million metric tonnes of CO2 annually." "It is estimated that some 40 new coal mines will be needed to supply both plants with fuel," says the report."
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