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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

North America Update: Employer Wellness Programs On The Rise: Willis Health And Productivity Survey

Employer Wellness Programs On The Rise: Willis Health And Productivity Survey - TheStreet: "The most common types of wellness programs being offered by respondents include: Physical activity programs (53%), Tobacco cessation programs (49%) and Weight management programs (45%). Although 29% of survey respondents consider themselves to be a global organization, only 15% indicate they have implemented a wellness program for their global employees. 43% of employers said the leading barrier to measuring success was difficulty in determining the influence of wellness compared with other factors impacting health care costs. Insufficient data and not enough staffing/time remain common barriers to measuring success. This year’s survey included a subset of questions that also asked employers about Work/Life balance programs. Findings reveal that 51% of respondents reported promoting Work/Life balance programs within their worksite wellness program. After Employee Assistance Programs, flexible start/end times are the most common offering of Work Life Balance program options, reported by 81% of respondents."

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