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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Obama breaks silence on climate change. Does this presage action in his second term? – Telegraph Blogs It was one of the most unexpected lines in Barack Obama's barnstorming acceptance speech, and it got one of the biggest outbreaks of applause. After saying virtually nothing about climate change in many months, he declared: “We want our children to live in an America that isn't threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet”.

Obama breaks silence on climate change. Does this presage action in his second term? – Telegraph Blogs: "with the tragic devastation from Superstorm Sandy in the closing week of the campaign. Not that the storm can be attributed to climate change – though it looks as if unusually warm temperatures in the Atlantic and rising sea levels made it worse – but it served as a warning of the kind of thing scientists predict will occur as the world heats up. Importantly, it lead to a surprise endorsement of Mr Obama by New York's mayor Michael Bloomberg – a Republican turned Independent – on the grounds of climate change, saying that the disaster had brought what was at stake in the election “into sharp relief”."

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