First FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence Down Under - "The Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre (OPSMC) was officially inaugurated as a FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence by FIFA Chief Medical Officer, Prof Jiri Dvorak, at an official ceremony held in Melbourne today.
OPSMC is the first Australian Sports Medicine Centre to receive such an honour and joins a prestigious list of 32 medical centres and clinics worldwide who have also been accredited.
Speaking at the official inauguration ceremony, Prof Dvorak was complimentary of the work that the OPSMC is doing and the reputation that Australian has amongst the international sports medicine community.
“I am very happy to be in Melbourne for the first accredited FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence in Australia. This is a very well established and respected medical institution”, said Prof Dvorak."
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Sunday, March 3, 2013
Oceania Update: The aim of the worldwide network of FIFA Medical Centres of Excellence is to improve the healthcare of football players and other athletes at every single level of the game through knowledge. “However the most important objective of the FIFA Medical network including the FIFA Medical Centres of Excellence is to promote the philosophy of prevention and use the power of football to contribute to the improvement of public health to tackle the "Unhealthy trias - fast food, soft drinks and physical inactivita" leading to overweight, diabetes and other NCD's in young adolescents.
Sailing for Peace Coffee Talk
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