Fuelling a lower-carbon future with biofuels - Shell Global: "Accelerating advanced biofuels
Raízen has the potential to help accelerate the commercial production of biofuels from crop waste and inedible plants. Over the coming years some plant waste from the sugar-cane ethanol process could potentially go into making advanced biofuels. In one process enzymes can break down the cellulose in plant fibres to produce ethanol." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Sustainable BIOFUELS that is NOT in direct competition with FOOD crops: Turning sugar cane into ethanol offers a number of environmental benefits over other biofuel production processes. As it grows, sugar cane generally absorbs CO2 at a greater rate than other biofuel crops such as soy. Ethanol made from Brazilian sugar cane produces around 70% less CO2 than petrol, when the cultivation and production processes are taken into account. Since 2003 the use of ethanol in Brazil has avoided over 103 million tonnes of the CO2 that the petrol it has replaced would have produced, according to Unica. Raízen is further reducing its overall CO2 emissions by using waste material to power its own plants and delivering surplus electricity to the national grid. By-products from turning sugar cane into ethanol are recycled as organic fertiliser. To further improve productivity, Raízen uses its own advanced geographical information system to monitor its land. This allows its scientists to make accurate predictions about crop yields and adjust fertiliser or pest control, for example, to help boost production. Sustainability Today’s biofuels present some sustainability challenges:for example, labour rights and, if land is not carefully managed, concerns can arise over direct competition with food crops. The Raízen joint venture agreement includes a set of sustainability principles designed to help overcome these challenges and improve sustainable production. The principles require Raízen to carry out a robust assessment of the potential direct and indirect impacts of cultivating new land for biofuel crops –and to avoid land with a high conservation value. Raízen works with its suppliers, contractors and landowners to make sure that they follow sound land, water management and labour practices. Raízen is a member of Bonsucro, an organisation that drives the development of sustainable biofuels. It has developed an EU-approved certificate for sustainable sugar-cane production. This covers areas such as human rights and the impact of activities on biodiversity. Bonsucro separately certifies mills and the ethanol produced. By the end of 2012, seven of Raízen’s mills had been certified.
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