Workout only a part of wellness at work | The Argus Leader | "“We’re looking more at the emotional, the occupational, the spiritual, the financial, the environmental,” said Kandy Jamison, account executive for health and wellness at Howalt McDowell. “We’re trying to look at that total well-being.” As a result of the change from mostly an activity-based wellness program, more of the 90-plus employees are participating, she said. They’re realizing wellness doesn’t always mean losing 50 pounds and going to the gym daily.Howalt McDowell isn’t measuring the financial savings by having healthier employees just yet. But healthier, happier people are typically more productive, Jamison said.“I think if it’s the culture and the right thing to do and you do care about your employees … and if a value can be documented, then you’re a winner.”" CLICK LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE
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Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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Thursday, September 12, 2013
Workout only a part of wellness at work. Companies that focus on wellness programs without changing their business culture to care about their employees’ overall well-being won’t have engaged workers. And that hinders productivity, causes higher turnover and puts people at higher health risks, said Rosie Ward, a health management services manager with Marsh & McLennan Agency in Minneapolis. She addressed dozens of business people Wednesday at a conference held as part of the city’s Live Well Sioux Falls initiative, now in its second year. | The Argus Leader |
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