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Saturday, March 8, 2014

WELLNESS TIP: DAILY SELF-AFFIRMATION IN THE MIRROR CAN HELP MANAGE STRESS AND IMPROVE PROBLEM-SOLVING. “A brief self-affirmation activity is sufficient to buffer the negative effects of chronic stress on task performance and can improve the ability to solve problems in a flexible manner during high stress periods,” researchers said in a press release. “Our study suggests that self-affirmation may increase creativity and insight in stressed individuals.” Self-affirmation is reiterating valued sources of self-worth when one’s self-image is threatened. Basically, it’s telling yourself your good points when you’re under the gun, and the Carnegie researchers say it can help ward off stress.- | Yahoo Health

Study: Self-affirmation Reduces Stress and Improves Problem-solving | Yahoo Health: "The present research contributes to a broader effort at understanding how stress management approaches can facilitate problem-solving performance under stress. Despite many studies showing that acute and chronic stressors can impair problem-solving, we know little about stress management and coping approaches for buffering stress during problem-solving,” researchers said in the study. “Our work suggests that self-affirmation may be a relatively easy-to-use strategy for mitigating stress and improving problem-solving performance in evaluative settings.”"

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