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Saturday, April 5, 2014
WELLNESS FOR PEACE IN SOUTH AMERICA: ASPA Health Ministers will meet in Lima to strengthen integration and cooperation between two regional blocs, Peru's Health Minister Midori de Habich has said. The Peruvian Health Minister, Midori de Habich. Photo: ANDINA/Archive. The Peruvian Health Minister, Midori de Habich. Photo: ANDINA/Archive. The 2014 ASPA Health Ministerial Meeting will address topics such as universal healthcare, climate change, medicines, technology transfer, among others.
What are your expectations for this week’s ASPA Health meeting?
-There is great expectation for hosting representatives from countries of South America and Arab nations. This is process of consolidation and integration in the health sector taking place within the framework of a political forum which brings together two regional blocs. At the 2012 ASPA Lima Summit, it was agreed that health ministers should meet to discuss this matter and this week we have met the said pledge.
Is this gathering the first one of its kind?
- Yes it is. This is the first-ever work meeting among health ministers from South America and Arab countries. It is a vital opportunity for cooperation and integration among our nations. Exchange of experience is also emphasized.
How many delegations are attending the event?
We have 15 delegations from Arab countries and 12 delegations from South America. In some cases, top officials have flocked to Lima to taker part of the gathering, but at least eight Health ministers are working on the joint statement.
What topics will be addressed at the meeting?
-We have four key themes. The first relates to health systems, where issues such as integrated health networks, primary and specializing care will be discussed as well as development of human resources, access to quality generic drugs and productivity of medicines, research, innovation and technology transfer. Likewise, universal health coverage, hospital modernization and e-Health are issues to be addressed.
What another strategic theme will be discussed?
-Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases will also be analyzed. Besides this, other issues such as disability, as well as prevention and control of health problems related to use of tobacco will be discussed.
What is the third theme about?
-The third one concerns the promotion of health and social and environmental determinants. A monitoring to the accomplishments in meeting the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals (UN-MDGs) will be carried out, also the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Post-2015 development agenda, plus advocacy and communication in health; social determinants, climate change and human health will be under review.
Furthermore, the fourth thematic area is related to the preparation, surveillance and response of humanitarian aid. Management of health emergencies and disasters will be also under study; which adds to topics such as International Health Regulations (IHR) and specialized medical care addressed to refugee populations and children.
Will the parties involved make a commitment on climate change?
-We are interested in making a statement with the Arab countries on climate change and health as the UN Climate Meeting COP20 is due to be held in Peru by year-end. Therefore, we are preparing a consensus on the effects of climate change on health and how to address this discussion.
Political statement
What are your personal expectations for the 1st ASPA Health Ministerial Meeting?
-We want to develop a policy statement. We want to reach a work plan, a plan of action; that is our goal and the reason why delegations have been working thoroughly on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd divided into six technical groups for having concluded on Friday 4th not only a political statement but also a plan of action which is expected to continue the agenda and achieving concrete results on the topic in the coming years.
How the meeting is organized?
-Preparatory meetings have been carried out on Wednesday and Thursday, while the political statement and the action plan is set to be approved today. Several topics are very important to us. The first one is to discuss our participation in defining indicators of the post-2015 MDGs. It is very important to reach a consensus to place as a Millennium Development target the aim of universal health coverage for our countries. Moreover, we plan to reach concrete results in access to quality medicines with rational prices within the framework of a globalized market.
Does this meeting strengthen the relationship between the two regional blocs?
-This event has been organized to be a very successful one, given the number of delegations accredited. The gathering has a very ambitious and powerful agenda.
Will there be scholarships available for Peruvian professionals?
-There is a point on the development of human resources where not only scholarships are planned, but also exchange of experiences and capacity building. In pursuing these goals, we have to seek our common strengths for supporting each other and, thus, having a successful cooperation.
Will there be technology transfer?
-We need to see how the technical groups have analyzed plans of technology transfer among our nations. We will seek to set up the transfer of knowledge through the strengths of each of our countries, either in the manufacture of some medical supplies or in materials.
What should ordinary citizens expect of this kind of meeting?
-For the good performance of its health system, it is required for Peru to open up to the world as there are successful experiences of other countries needed to be collected. We need new technologies and all these elements will result in an improved patient care.
Is the universal coverage plan being achieved?
-The universal health coverage is one of the post-2015 MDGs. Since our point of view, each country may have its own path to achieve universal coverage since there is not only one way traced. For this reason we plan to expand universal insurance nationwide. We expect to achieve the health insurance coverage to 80 percent of the population by executing the government’s reforms.
How are the sector reforms going?
-We have began the year with a new legal framework which enables us to develop rules for legislative decrees approved last December. Currently, the sector is developing its own regulations. Likewise, we have launched the Health Insurance Scheme (SIS) Entrepreneur for all those who tribute to the State and are engaged in the Single Simplified System. We are talking about nearly 200,000 people and we expect to have half a million people by the end of the year. In addition, our sector has launched a strategy called “Learning Healthily” on behalf of preschool and primary children alongside the Ministries of Education and Development and Social Inclusion. There are also school health plans for detecting learning disabilities.
And what about the services improvement plan?
-Whit regard to this matter, we are working hard for provide a second shift services in hospitals, some of them strategics in Lima and in inner regions, in order to enhance the care of patients. In addition, we will launch the inclusive pharmacy program, for local drugstores, so that our insured members will be able to pick up medications near their homes.
What about pregnant mothers?
-We plan to approve regulations to include all pregnant mothers by the year’s second half with which, by year-end, we expect to say every child born in Peru, is a child born insured. This is a viable goal and we can meet it.
What about investments?
-There is a massive spending totaling six billion soles (US$ 2.14 billion) which is being allocated for equipment and infrastructure. A massive amount like the aforementioned has not been seen in many years.
What other major international events will the Peruvian Health Ministry (MINSA) organize this year?
-Peru will have a very strong presence in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Conference which is set to take place in Geneva, Switzerland, in May 2014.
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