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Saturday, June 14, 2014

EUROPE: WELLNESS FOR PEACE: Project on Improving SOILLESS CULTIVATION of Fruits and Vegetable Industry for the public

Improving the health of Europe's fruit and veg industry: "This is the goal of the EU-funded RESFOOD project, which began in November 2012 with some EUR 4.3 million in EU funding. Currently at the halfway stage, the project has successfully demonstrated how the sector can cut water consumption by over 40 %, while still maintaining the same fruit quality and yield in soilless cultivation. This particular innovation is now set to be tested during the next harvest season by Spanish researchers and blackberry producers.
This is one example of the kind of innovation that RESFOOD hopes to implement in order to make the European fruit and veg sector more sustainable. Due for completion in October 2015, the project will also encourage the involvement of SMEs as end users of green technologies. For this reason, SMEs have been closely involved throughout the project in the development of new innovations. In the area of the water treatment for example, project partners have cooperated with end-users in order to implement new treatment technologies."

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