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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Update: More Than 500,000 Deaths Around the World by 2050 due to Food Scarcity

"The immediate cause of the reduction in fruit and vegetable consumption are the climatic shocks: basically, less can be grown, that leads to farmers probably using more land, and also the prices go up, said Dr. Marco Springmann, an expert from the Oxford Martin Program on the Future of Food. "As a combination of less production and higher prices there will be a reduction in the consumption," he added. The study which was conducted by the researchers from University of Oxford included 155 countries. As posted by Health News Line, the result of the study showed "the devastated effects of climate change on agriculture could result in overall decline in food availability across the globe." As to the research, of all the nations which have been included in the study, China and India will most likely have the highest number of deaths, about three-quarters, of the world's total expected death rate. China will have almost 248,000 deaths while India is said to have about 136,000 deaths by 2050, as posted byZee News India.
Click link to read article written by Maureen Bongat

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