Throughout modern history, urbanization has been a major driver of development and poverty reduction. Governments can respond to this key development opportunity through Habitat III by promoting a new model of urban development that is able to integrate all facets of sustainable development to promote equity, welfare and shared prosperity.
PREPARATORY PROCESS The Roadmap Preparatory Committee Intersessional Process Regional & Thematic Meetings Policy Units Regions National Participation United Nations Task Team DOCUMENTS National Reports Issue Papers Policy Papers Regional Declarations Thematic Declarations Urban Dialogue Reports
RETHINKING THE URBAN AGENDA IS: Embracing urbanization at all levels of human settlements, more appropriate policies can take advantage of urbanization across physical space, bridging urban, peri-urban and rural areas, and assist governments in addressing challenges through national and local development policy frameworks. Integrating equity to the development agenda. Equity becomes an issue of social justice, ensures access to the public sphere, extends opportunities and increases the commons. Fostering national urban planning and planned city extensions. Deciding how relevant sustainable development goals will be supported through sustainable urbanization. Aligning and strengthening institutional arrangements with the substantive outcomes of Habitat III, so as to ensure effective delivery of the new Urban Agenda.
IMPLEMENTING THE URBAN AGENDA MEANS: Urban Rules and Regulations. The outcomes in terms of quality of an urban settlement are dependent on the set of rules and regulations and its implementation. Proper urbanization requires the rule of law. Urban Planning and Design. Establishing the adequate provision of common goods, including streets and open spaces, together with an efficient pattern of buildable plots. Municipal Finance. For a good management and maintenance of the city, local fiscal systems should redistribute parts of the urban value generated. With the consideration of: National Urban Policies. These establish a connection between the dynamics of urbanization and the overall process of national development."
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