PRAYER Brigade for Japan and Mother Earth
Fellow Advocates, Environmentalist & Peace-makers:
Blessings & Goodwill!
Let us unite our hearts in prayers for the safe recovery and healing of Japan and Mother Earth
Please join us in praying wherever you are.....
or join us LIVE on the Teleconference.
The call will last approximately 30 minutes.
Thursday - March 24, 2011
06:00 pm (PST) - 09:00 pm (EST)
March 25th - 01:00 am (GMT)
* Please CLICK Below to Join us LIVE on the Teleconference
Also, you may send us your Prayers for Japan through this e-mail or thru the website below.
Thank you! God bless you always!
In the service of the environment, I remain
Spokesperson, Wellness for Peace
Proponent, United Nation's World Peace Day Peace Vigil Philippines Launch 2011
Prayers are powerful...
Let's Heal One Another... Share this to Others...
(wellness series, sailing for peace)
United Nation's International Day of Peace PEACE VIGIL Philippines 2011 Launch spearheaded by Sailing for Peace
PEACE Vigil Philippines 2011
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Prayer as a tool written by Zara Jane Juan
On Thursday ~ March 24th
Join us in continuing our
Prayers for Japan
Global Link Teleconference
Thursday - March 24, 2011
06:00 pm (PST) - 09:00 pm (EST)
March 25th - 01:00 am (GMT)
Let us unite our hearts in prayers for
the safe recovery and healing of Japan
and Mother Earth
The call will last approximately 30 minutes.
CLICK HERE to Join us LIVE on the Teleconference
or Send us Your Prayers for Japan
The World Peace
Prayer Society
Peace Pole Project
Peace Pals International
Global Link Teleconference
ShopPeace to Spread Peace
May Peace Prevail On Earth
News Blog
MPPOE on FaceBook
Spread The Message
Take Action
A Call To Peace
May Peace be in Japan
May Peace Prevail On Earth
Please click here for World Time Converter
Join us on the Telephone or in Spirit!
CLICK HERE to Join us LIVE on the Teleconference or Send us Your Prayers for Japan
Dial In Number
1-877-380-7755 ~ Pass Code: 4434733
International Callers (outside of the USA will incur Long Distance Charges)
A link will be posted on our homepage to listen to the program after the call.
May Peace be in Japan
May Peace Prevail On Earth
The World Peace Prayer Society
The World Peace Sanctuary
26 Benton Road
Wassaic, NY 12592
Tel: 845-877-6093
Fax: 845-877-6862
The Peace Pole Project™, Peace Pals International™ and ShopPeace™
are signature projects of The World Peace Prayer Society.
We encourage the use of the Message, May Peace Prevail on Earth ®, by individuals and organizations
to further the spirit of peace. For business and commercial use of the Message please contact us.
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The World Peace Sanctuary | 26 Benton Road | Wassaic | NY | 12592
Fellow Advocates, Environmentalist & Peace-makers:
Blessings & Goodwill!
Let us unite our hearts in prayers for the safe recovery and healing of Japan and Mother Earth
Please join us in praying wherever you are.....
or join us LIVE on the Teleconference.
The call will last approximately 30 minutes.
Thursday - March 24, 2011
06:00 pm (PST) - 09:00 pm (EST)
March 25th - 01:00 am (GMT)
* Please CLICK Below to Join us LIVE on the Teleconference
Also, you may send us your Prayers for Japan through this e-mail or thru the website below.
Thank you! God bless you always!
In the service of the environment, I remain
Spokesperson, Wellness for Peace
Proponent, United Nation's World Peace Day Peace Vigil Philippines Launch 2011
Prayers are powerful...
Let's Heal One Another... Share this to Others...
(wellness series, sailing for peace)
United Nation's International Day of Peace PEACE VIGIL Philippines 2011 Launch spearheaded by Sailing for Peace
PEACE Vigil Philippines 2011
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Prayer as a tool written by Zara Jane Juan
On Thursday ~ March 24th
Join us in continuing our
Prayers for Japan
Global Link Teleconference
Thursday - March 24, 2011
06:00 pm (PST) - 09:00 pm (EST)
March 25th - 01:00 am (GMT)
Let us unite our hearts in prayers for
the safe recovery and healing of Japan
and Mother Earth
The call will last approximately 30 minutes.
CLICK HERE to Join us LIVE on the Teleconference
or Send us Your Prayers for Japan
The World Peace
Prayer Society
Peace Pole Project
Peace Pals International
Global Link Teleconference
ShopPeace to Spread Peace
May Peace Prevail On Earth
News Blog
MPPOE on FaceBook
Spread The Message
Take Action
A Call To Peace
May Peace be in Japan
May Peace Prevail On Earth
Please click here for World Time Converter
Join us on the Telephone or in Spirit!
CLICK HERE to Join us LIVE on the Teleconference or Send us Your Prayers for Japan
Dial In Number
1-877-380-7755 ~ Pass Code: 4434733
International Callers (outside of the USA will incur Long Distance Charges)
A link will be posted on our homepage to listen to the program after the call.
May Peace be in Japan
May Peace Prevail On Earth
The World Peace Prayer Society
The World Peace Sanctuary
26 Benton Road
Wassaic, NY 12592
Tel: 845-877-6093
Fax: 845-877-6862
The Peace Pole Project™, Peace Pals International™ and ShopPeace™
are signature projects of The World Peace Prayer Society.
We encourage the use of the Message, May Peace Prevail on Earth ®, by individuals and organizations
to further the spirit of peace. For business and commercial use of the Message please contact us.
Forward email
This email was sent to wellnesspilipinas@yahoo.co
Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy.
The World Peace Sanctuary | 26 Benton Road | Wassaic | NY | 12592