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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wellness Update: Europe: Measles, a forgotten scourge, makes a comeback in Europe | Empowered News

Measles, a forgotten scourge, makes a comeback in Europe | Empowered News: "Measles, a viral infection thought to be largely eradicated in the developed world, has staged a dangerous comeback in France and other parts of Europe.
A report by the World Health Organization confirmed a measles outbreak in France of about 4,937 cases from January to March 2011 alone compared to 5,090 cases in all 12 months of last year. Other European countries have also reported a spike in measles. The overall total so far was about 6,500 cases according to WHO officials.
Health experts said that the figures reflect the slide in vaccination efforts in many European countries. Partly to blame for that is the bogus study made in 1998 that falsely linked an MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine to autism in children. Some parents who were fearful that their children can get sick chose to forego vaccination for their children."

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