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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wellness Update: Australia: Low vitamin D levels linked to diabetes risk | Reuters

Low vitamin D levels linked to diabetes risk | Reuters: "Vitamin D is manufactured by the body in response to sunlight and also occurs naturally in some foods, like eggs, cod and salmon. The vitamin is best known for its role in working with calcium to build bones.

The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults get about 600 IU of vitamin D a day to maintain circulating levels in the desirable range.

Past studies have shown that vitamin D may also help keep blood sugar levels under control (see Reuters Health story of February 23, 2011).

In type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease, the body can't use insulin it produces efficiently to control blood sugar levels. Vitamin D may play a role by increasing the release of insulin, Gagnon said."

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