Men's Cancer Pictures Slideshow: 15 Symptoms Men Ignore on "See Your Doctor When Symptoms Occur, and Get Regular Checkups.
Experts say that men could benefit greatly by being alert to certain cancer symptoms that indicate a trip to the doctor's office sooner rather than later. Some of those cancer symptoms in men are specific. They involve certain body parts and may even point directly to the possibility of cancer (for example, a mass in the scrotum or testicle). Other symptoms are not specific. For instance, pain that affects many body parts could have dozens of explanations and may not be cancer; however, that circumstance doesn't mean you can rule out cancer without seeing a doctor.
The following slideshow of pictures explain 15 symptoms and possible clues to finding cancer early. Unfortunately, many men ignore these symptoms with the result of sometimes discovering a cancer that might have been more easily treated if the cancer had been detected at an earlier date in its development."
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Men's Cancer Pictures Slideshow: 15 Symptoms Men Ignore on
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