Musical notes that keep you healthy - The Times of India: "'Musical notes help harmonize the body and psychosomatic diseases, where mind is the cause of illness. Meditation and Yoga help to canalize body energy. There are seven chakras in our body and they can be stimulated by certain notes and Ragas,' stated Dr Joshi.
Dr Joshi is a homeopathy practitioner and has mastered the art of singing. He regularly organises music workshops for different age groups. He conducted a demonstration about the effect of musical notes where he sang selected composition in different Ragas. He used Raga Bhimpalas to stimulate the first chakra, Raga Des for the second, Yaman for the third, Rageshre for the fourth, Kedar for the fifth, Darbari for the sixth and Bhairavi for the seventh. He said, 'Each Chakra governs different parts of the body and when we stimulate the chakras, it harmonies the body and helps us feel good. The seventh chakra relates to the spiritual quotient and meditation like bliss to health.' Dr Joshi kept students engaged by telling them moral stories and jokes and the pleasant atmosphere helped to enrich the musical effect."
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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