EU-OSHA announces British winner in the 10th European Good Practice Awards : News from The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work: "Tarmac introduced a comprehensive health and safety training programme for new employees and personalised health competency evaluation plan for its maintenance staff. Its commitment to raising the standards of its employees’ knowledge and skills resulted in a significant reduction in injuries, accidents and lost time.
The eight winners are Voestalpine Hytronics GmbH and Voestalpine Weichensysteme GmbH (Austria, iron and steel production) for their use of technology and organisation to achieve safer maintenance; Protón Electrónica SLU (Spain, electrical equipment) for coordinating repair and maintenance with the client; Actavis Ltd (Malta, pharmaceutical products) for its proactive and reactive interventions to improve maintenance safety; Skellefteå Räddningstjänst (Sweden, fire services) for its development of safe work routines for firefighters; Sonae (Portugal, retail trade) for its management of preventative and corrective maintenance; GHT - Glass Handling Technic Vof (Netherlands, Horticulture) for maintaining and repairing horticultural glasshouses safely and effectively; Tarmac Quarry Materials (United Kingdom, mining and quarrying) for its competent maintenance teams and STIB-MIVB (Belgium, transport) for its comprehensive approach to maintenance starting from the design of the work area."
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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