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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wellness Update:Australia: Alcohol consumption linked to increased cancer risk | HemOncToday

Alcohol consumption linked to increased cancer risk | HemOncToday: "Alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking combined have a greater effect on the risk for some cancers. According to the statement, compared with non-smokers and non-drinkers, the risk for mouth and throat cancer is seven times higher among tobacco smokers, six times higher among drinkers and 35 times higher among those who are regular, heavy users of both (more than four alcoholic drinks and 40 or more cigarettes per day).
According to the statement, there is a complex correlation between drinking and body weight and fat. In addition, the evidence linking body fat and risk for the following cancers is convincing: esophagus, pancreas, bowel, breast (in postmenopausal women), endometrial and kidney. There is probable evidence that excess body fat is associated with gallbladder cancer, they wrote.
Evidence supporting low-to-moderate alcohol consumption and reduced coronary heart disease incidence may be flawed, according to the statement. “The putative benefits of moderate alcohol consumption on heart disease appear to be confined to middle-aged and older people,” they wrote.

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