AHS to make healthy food more accessible - Edmonton - CBC News: "Alberta Health Services is taking steps to make it easier to eat healthier foods in the province's hospitals, clinics and personal care homes.
AHS is bringing in a healthy food policy province-wide, but won't ban salty or sugary foods.
AHS vice-president Sharon McKay said they will gradually make it easier to find salads, fruit and low-salt foods in vending machines and cafeterias, as well as in the meals of patients.
'There's lots of work that needs to be done. There's also lots of opinion about how far should we go and how much junk food should be available within the facilities,' she said.
'That's why we're going to engage our public and our staff and physicians about what they would like to see in the facilities that would support healthy eating.'"
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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Sunday, June 12, 2011
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Jun 12
- Health Foods more accessible at AHS Canada
- Wellness Tip: Eat fermented foods like soy beans, ...
- Wellness Tip: A healthy body starts in what we put...
- Wellness Tip: Learn to Balance Emotion by Recogniz...
- Wellness Tip: "Expand Emotional Elasticity thru de...
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- Wellness Update: North America: To raise 5 Million...
- Wellness Update: Antarctica: Mission to convince t...
- Wellness Update: Africa: Mobile health offers hope...
- Climate Change Update: 21st World Conference on Di...
- Wellness Tip: Check the Colors of the Food in Your...
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Jun 12