One wedding in 2011 enough: PM's beau: "The couple met in a salon in the Melbourne suburb of Fitzroy in 2006.
Mr Mathieson said at the time he had no idea what Ms Gillard did for a living.
'It was the first time I saw her. I thought, what a wonderful lady,' he told 60 Minutes.
Chatting led to their first date.
Just in case it was an awkward first date, both had exit strategies.
One of Mr Mathieson's mates phoned to tell him someone was interested in looking at a Mercedes that was up for sale, while one of Ms Gillard's friends advised of a work-related emergency.
'Of course it was both set up in case we needed quick exits,' Mr Mathieson said.
A sneak peek at the official prime minister's residence in Canberra, The Lodge, revealed Mr Mathieson's special hide-out - a shed at the back of the home.
For Ms Gillard, the shed is a no-go zone.
'No girls allowed,' she laughed, adding later, 'I'm hanging on the outside of the shed, as instructed'.
As patron of the Australian Men's Shed Association, a federal plan to deal with men's health, Ms Gillard says her partner has 'gone and looked at things and talked to people on the ground'."
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
Extent of Coverage as of Today
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sailing for Peace Coffee Talk
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