Speech : Removal of Tobacco Displays and Tobacco Harm - Rahui Katene | Voxy.co.nz: "Future generations of New Zealand, our tamariki and our mokopuna, should be free from exposure to tobacco products.
As doctors we deal every day with the tragic human consequences of smoking related illness. We target our strongest objection, opposition and opprobrium at those who profit from the production, supply and sale of this addictive poison tobacco.
This is a very big move. Today, this House will pass into law a Bill which will remove tobacco retail displays, restrict tobacco trading names, and introduce tighter controls on sale to minors.
We know that relapse to smoking is influenced by the retail displays of tobacco products - the mere sight of tobacco on display becomes a temptation for smokers trying to quit.
During the select committee stage we were also told by the Centre for Tobacco Control Research that experimental smoking among youth is influenced by the retail display of tobacco products.
Basically the ease of access and availability of tobacco encourages initiation and maintenance of smoking.
It can be so simple. We have to denormalise smoking. We have to instil pride in ourselves that we can be smokefree. Because we know, we experience, we grieve from the reality that smoking kills."
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
Extent of Coverage as of Today
Sailing for Peace Coffee Talk
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Jul 15