The Valley Advocate: Wellness - Wellness: Saving Your Skin: "Suntan lotion offers a very important and easy way of protecting yourself from the sun's harmful rays. However, not all sunscreens are healthy for you or for the environment. When selecting a safe sunscreen, look for a cream-based, non-oxybenzone, non-retinyl palmitate formula. Spray and powder sunscreens emit dangerous chemicals into the air. Studies have been done on the toxicity of oxybenzone in both humans and rats; although they haven't been conclusive, they've evoked some doubt about how healthy for the skin the chemical is in large doses.
Retinyl palmitate (chemical-speak for Vitamin A) in various lab tests has increased hormone secretion and the risk of increased development of tumors and lesions on the skin when applied topically. Also, don't be distracted by sunscreens marketing SPF at 65 and above. The magic in sunscreen is virtually all the same once you reach SPF 50; the higher you go after that, the more unhealthy chemicals there will typically be in the formula. Finally, you want to look for sunscreens marked 'broad-spectrum.' Those protect the skin from both UVB and UVA radiation, which are responsible for sunburns and other types of skin damage."
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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Friday, July 15, 2011
Sailing for Peace Coffee Talk
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Jul 15
- Wellness in Asia: Keeping employees healthy makes ...
- Wellness in Europe: Discover the Ultimate Mind, Bo...
- Wellness in Oceania: Speech : Removal of Tobacco D...
- Wellness Update: Africa: Bid to put the brakes on ...
- Wellness Tip: How to Prevent Skin Cancer
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- Wellness Tip: Owning a dog: Early care saves pain ...
- Climate Change Update:Apostle Islands Already Feel...
- Climate Change Update: CC may test Napa wine industry
- Wellness Tip: Healthy body 'helps avoid dementia' ...
- Wellness Tip: Positive attitude key to ageing succ...
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Jul 15