Stress is making Australians sick, according to Lifeline poll | "HALF of Australia is so stressed out that it is making us sick, according to an annual poll taken for the past four years.
Lifeline spokesperson Brendan Maher said the problem is growing every year with 93 per cent of 1201 respondents said to be stressed as compared to 90 per cent in 2010.
'This year we can put some of it down to the natural disasters affecting our nation, but much of it will be due to poor stress management,' he said.
Supporting partner Bupa said the poll identified work as the number one stresser and research that they have done have backed this claim.
Bupa Health and Wellness adviser Guy Leech said stress was the major factor affecting the physical and mental health of Australian workers.
'Aussies must take stress management more seriously because stress can have very real and detrimental effects; from an adverse impact on our physical appearance to our ability to sleep, and direct impacts on our internal organs. This is serious stuff,' he said."
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