Merrill Osmond Hosts Benefit for Symphony of Wellness - The Boot: "The lead singer of the Osmonds hopes to hold three or four of these Symphony of Hope events across the country in the coming year. He has already staged several in castles in Europe, which were attended by wellness doctors from all over the world. 'We had over 1,000 people show up,' Merrill reports enthusiastically. 'I've been able to develop a philosophy with music and the spoken word, where you can get past the intellectual side of brain and go into the soul of a person.
'Well City, which is located just outside of Nashville in Brentwood, bases their program on what I've been preaching and teaching for 20 years. This concert will benefit the hearing impaired side of the program, which is so dear to me since I have spent my life with my brothers and my son. Some other year might be a different cause to create awareness for a different organization."
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
Extent of Coverage as of Today
Sailing for Peace Coffee Talk
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Jul 04
- Wellness Update: Asia: Singapore: Parkway makes ne...
- Wellness Update: Asia: Thailand, India, and Singap...
- Wellness Update: Africa: Wellness Centres” – to pr...
- Wellness Tip: Healthy Feet: Try Dr. Fish!
- Wellness Update; Australia: Stress is making Austr...
- Wellness Update; South America: Music to Heal - Me...
- Wellness Update: North America: The Vegetarian Treat!
- Wellness Update: Europe: Wellness International Ju...
- Wellness Update: North America: Vegetarian Summerf...
- Wellness Tip: Healthy Body starts w/ Healthy Mind....
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- Climate Change Update: Extreme Weather- the link
Jul 04