Teens, Nutrition, Emotions, Puberty …we know it can be a real challenge.. | Sunshine Coast Queensland: "Nutritional needs are higher, hopefully the needed calories will come from the healthy eating habits you encouraged as your children grew; however, because of the continuing growth factor, a teenage girl needs around 2200 cal/day & a boy around 2500 cal/day. This can change dramatically if youhave a child who is heavily into sports – food intake will have to be adjusted to fit the situation. Exercise on a regular basis ensures the body gets the nutritional chemicals it needs, stays physically fit & helps prevent diseases such as diabetes & high blood pressure.
Calcium is needed to build strong bones. During teen years future adult bone structure is developed & the skeletal growth is rapid. Some good calcium sources are green vegetables, sardines, salmon, sweet potato, tahini & dairy products for those who can absorb them well. Vit D is important for the absorption of calcium. Adequate sunlight will give skin conversion of this vital vitamin ~ 10/15 minutes sunlight without sunscreen, but absolutely not sunburn. Prolonged exposure to sun will still require caution & a good quality 30+ chemical free sunscreen."
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Sailing for Peace Coffee Talk
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Aug 16
- Climate Change Update: U.S. cities prepare to adap...
- Wellness Update: North America: Projects now tailo...
- Climate Change Update: Trout habitat by 2080
- Climate Change Update: Trout habitat by 2080
- Climate Change Update: Dead Trees trigger
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- Wellness Update: Europe: Germans and Russians are ...
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- Wellness Tip: Emotionally Responsible Parents are ...
- Wellness Tip: Monitor your Teens Nutritional Needs
- Wellness Tip: Keeping your Teens Fit
- Wellness Tip: Keeping your teens fit
- Wellness Tip: Understanding the Emotions of People...
- Wellness Tip: What does stress do & how to reduce it
- Wellness Tip: Better to eat natural and not processed
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Aug 16