Bangkok Post : Relax, detox, spend money: "Vuthichai Duangratana, the deputy director-general of the Export Promotion Department, said Thai government policy since 2004 has been to push Thailand as the medical hub and spa capital of Asia.
Several government agencies and the private sector have cooperated in developing the Thai spa industry to a certain standard and character.
The department anticipates bright prospects for the export of the spa business in term of products and services, with a focus on Asian markets such as Asean, India, China and Vietnam.
Mr Vuthichai said the Thai spa industry had expanded abroad through integrated consultancy services, ranging from design and management to staff training and recruiting. Thai companies also invest in, sell franchise licences for and manage spas in other countries.
At the same time, the department also promotes Thai spas and services to draw foreigners to get treatment in Thailand.
Obstacles for Thai spa workers include work permits that are limited by quotas or high requirements on deposit guarantees, discouraging operators in other countries from recruiting Thai workers.
Exports of cosmetics, soaps and skin care products are expected to reach US$2.39 billion this year, up 25% from 2010."
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