Sleep and low energy: Insomnia is often associated with pineal gland dysfunction because this is where melatonin (often known as the sleep hormone) is secreted. While this is true, sleep problems reflect hormonal imbalances between cortisol, growth hormone and melatonin.
Cortisol is an important hormone secreted by our adrenal glands (also known as the 'stress' glands). Under normal health conditions, cortisol is highest in the morning giving the pick-up and go that is needed and should be lowest in the evening when it is time to relax before bed. In conjunction with our nervous system, it enables our body and mind to shut down for the night. When its 24-hour rhythm is offset, common symptoms can include feeling tired upon waking and feeling 'wired' in the evening before bed.
Different types of stressors have a 'trickle down affect' and can affect our bodies at one of more levels of the hypothalamus (also known as the control center), the pituitary gland, the adrenal gland, and/or the nervous system.
Our state of mind, whether relaxed or stressed, directly affects hormone balance." - Optimal health requires understanding of hormones | by DR. MARTIN GLEIXNER - Breaking News, New Brunswick, Canada: "
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