"The world's premier event for the renewable energy technology industry hosted 26 foreign buyer delegations as part of its participation in the U.S. Department of Commerce International Buyer Program, and close to 400 people attended RETECH's new International Reception. RETECH will be returning to Washington, DC next year, and has been scheduled for Oct. 17-19, 2012 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.
"We are thrilled at the worldwide appeal of RETECH and the continued growth of our foreign visitors," said Mark Glazer, RETECH Renewable Energy Director. "RETECH's ability to draw Government, Finance, Utility and Technology leaders from across the globe is one of the key reasons it is the preeminent meeting place for the renewable energy business. Working in partnership with the event's founder, The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE), we will continue to build on this success and create more value for all stakeholders with RETECH 2012.""
International Renewable Energy Community Flocks to RETECH 2011; Dates Announced for 2012 - MarketWatch: Among the 26 foreign delegations was a group from Russia organized by the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council which included representatives from the Kirov Region - one of Russia's leading alternative energy regions, and representatives of Russian entrepreneurial companies. The complete list of delegations included: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Canada, Cape Verde, China, Costa Rica, Denmark & Faroe Islands, Ecuador, European Union Office, Finland, Honduras, Hungary, Latvia, Malaysia, Mali, Nepal, Philippines, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Tunisia, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.
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