US and China to extend co-operation in effort to curb climate change | Environment | "America and China between them account for more than 40% of greenhouse gas emissions, but signs of co-operation between the two big emitters could help unlock a global deal to cut emissions, Kerry suggested earlier on Wednesday. "I want to underscore that when we make a decision … it ripples beyond our borders," Kerry said. "How will we curb climate change? How will we pioneer new energy technology that is in fact the solution to climate change?" Kerry said in his opening remarks at the fifth annual US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue. A State Department fact sheet on the new initiatives underlined Kerry's point, noting that the two countries pledged to work together to advance the United Nations' efforts to reach an international climate accord. "Recognising the importance of working through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United States and China are committed to enhancing our policy dialogue on all aspects of the future agreement," the fact sheet said." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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Saturday, July 20, 2013
America and China agreed to work together to develop cleaner trucks, expanding joint efforts against climate change by the two greatest emitters and raising prospects for a global climate deal. The US secretary of state, John Kerry, speaking before the announcement, said such co-operation would resonate far beyond the two countries, boosting prospects for a global climate agreement....US and China to extend co-operation in effort to curb climate change | Environment |
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